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Everything posted by deborah
Anyone now of any legal experts who work AGAINST RSPCA?
deborah replied to deborah's topic in General Talk
Hi all, Just to update you. Lauren Thomas, of Louth Rd, Horncastle appeared at Skegness Magistrate court on July 15th and was given a 5 year ban from keeping horses, a 12 month community order, a 9 month supervision order and £250 fine towards costs. (this was in open public court in was in the local paper so feel able to print her name) The was NO MENTION WHATSOEVER of the word DOG!! despite the three starved bodies of the afghans I found behind the field shelter. Of course it was easier for the RSPCA to prosecute her for the cruelty and starvation of the horses because they were -
Anyone now of any legal experts who work AGAINST RSPCA?
deborah replied to deborah's topic in General Talk
unfortunately as those same "militant animal rights folk" often target those who hunt (as most everyone on here does) you aren't likely to get anyone here to give you any names. Most of them work for or with the RSPCA anyway ... it is a shame about this, I just wonder WHY they aren't prosecuting for the dogs? That just doesn't make any sense. The RSPCA have said their reason for not prosecuting is they haven't got a proven cause of death. The dogs has been dead for too long to post mortem (I have spoken to vets and Cambridge Veterinary school and there is no point doing a post mort -
Anyone now of any legal experts who work AGAINST RSPCA?
deborah replied to deborah's topic in General Talk
Yep, just as I thought!!! I phoned RSPCA today and despite what my friend was told on Tuesday THERE IS TO BE NO PROSECUTION FOR THE DOGS. ONLY THE HORSES So they died in vain. long lingering death........for nothing. I am VERY angry. Now HQ and the Regional HQ have BOTH said they are doing nothing, then our only progress is the national press. I will do my best but am sure they will worry about all this libel crap etc etc I would like to put this girl up against a wall.......... anyone know of any militant animal rights folk!!!! -
Anyone now of any legal experts who work AGAINST RSPCA?
deborah replied to deborah's topic in General Talk
Hi All, Just to update you, a close friend of one of the breeders has actually been able to speak to someone at the RSPCA (this is no mean feat!! they usually say they will phone you back and don't!) anyway the woman at RSPCA has stated that the investigation is LIVE and ongoing and includes the dogs AND the horses. I have no doubt the woman was relaying what she read on their computer screens but I'm afraid the cynic in me still doubts the truth. IF this is a live investigation, WHY haven't I been asked for a statement as it was me that found them?? Lets face it, my statement should have -
This story is yet another example of the RSPCA NOT doing what they should. That little dog had its life ended because of his anger, he SHOULD have been prosecuted and sued for loss of her pet/upset and anything else that could be thought of. What's he going to do next time? Slap a child?? This is the same issue I am having with the three young Afghan Hounds I found emaciated, dead in bin bags on March 8th. THEY suffered plenty!! Yet the RSPCA don't want to know about them either.... So a little Yorkie who died instantly isn't worth bothering about because it didn't 'suffer' and three
Anyone now of any legal experts who work AGAINST RSPCA?
deborah replied to deborah's topic in General Talk
Hi, I totally agree with you! and if you have any ideas HOW we can get the national papers to cover this without being threatened with harassment or slander I would be eternally grateful. I have asked a journalist (bigger than local paper who has already put few lines) and he said that if we tried to publically have a go at RSPCA for not prosecuting this girl, SHE could do us for slander cos she would say 'why should RSPCA prosecute me, I've done nothing wrong' Ridiculous!! The law is totally wrong sometimes!! -
Anyone now of any legal experts who work AGAINST RSPCA?
deborah replied to deborah's topic in General Talk
In an ideal world I would like this evil girl prosecuted for allowing them to die AND the RSPCA for being incompetent, arrogant and utterly useless!! The way things are going I would be grateful for ANYTHING if the way of justice. They still havent replied to the solicitors letter!! Talk about ignorant!! D -
All of my dogs, the Afghans and the Lurchers are packed with muscles (apart from the very oldies) and the Afghans can literally pluck a pigeon from the air and have even been known to leap up and catch Swallows, which my Vet was amazed at. (poor buggers, fly all this way, then get grabbed in mid air) My lot never walk anywhere, they always either trot or run. I admit I'm lucky because we have enough room for them to free run. I have a very elderly friend who has Great Danes and even though she is too old to walk them they all have very good muscles cos she runs them next to her car. I have to
My lot just seem to enjoy barking! After all it is their only way of communicating to you, apart from a waggy tail. When any of my dogs sit in front of us watching TV, its cos they want you to play with them instead of watching the telly. If he does it after you have been out having fun then perhaps he is saying 'come on Dad, lets go again' It is a form of attention seeking, and he will probably grow out of it, he's just a babe and has lots of energy to get rid of. My lot have each other and bomb around all day then collapse into heaps exhausted. I know it gets on your nerves a bit
Anyone now of any legal experts who work AGAINST RSPCA?
deborah replied to deborah's topic in General Talk
Hi, No I havent phoned him. I'm going to email him. I can explain everything fully in an email and it's cheaper than phoning a mobile!! It is a lengthy story and he will be able to read it at his leisure and think about it rather than me perhaps catching him when he hasn't much time to talk. If I get a encouraging reply then I can phone and speak to him properly. I just thought if he read it all, he would be better able to consider the way forward. Thanks. x Well Ive had a reply from Clive Rees. He said starvation is hard to prove and to try the Police if RSPCA dont seem to be -
Anyone now of any legal experts who work AGAINST RSPCA?
deborah replied to deborah's topic in General Talk
Hi, No I havent phoned him. I'm going to email him. I can explain everything fully in an email and it's cheaper than phoning a mobile!! It is a lengthy story and he will be able to read it at his leisure and think about it rather than me perhaps catching him when he hasn't much time to talk. If I get a encouraging reply then I can phone and speak to him properly. I just thought if he read it all, he would be better able to consider the way forward. Thanks. x -
Anyone now of any legal experts who work AGAINST RSPCA?
deborah replied to deborah's topic in General Talk
Sounds like you could do with a good portion of sausage yourself Probably a waste of time looking to you then. Aye, Wilf only likes boys.... Ummpphhh, that wouldn't suprise me. He doesn't post nice comments to women. unless of course 'feck off' and 'piss off' are his idea of a chat up line Fortunately Neanderthal men are a bit dated....... -
Anyone now of any legal experts who work AGAINST RSPCA?
deborah replied to deborah's topic in General Talk
Sounds like you could do with a good portion of sausage yourself Probably a waste of time looking to you then. -
Anyone now of any legal experts who work AGAINST RSPCA?
deborah replied to deborah's topic in General Talk
Thanks for the support. I met the RSPCA Inspector at the field where I found them and together with a Police Officer (he had to 'seize' the evidence cos the Insp hadn't the powers etc) we bagged their bodies up and put them in her van. The RSPCA Insp on the Sunday was a nice girl and I think if it was her handling this case it wouldn't have turned into a farce. Trouble was, she was just covering the area cos the local one was off that weekend. The local one was really arrogant when I met her a couple of days later at the field (the day the horses were taken) and unfortunately the Sunday girl -
Anyone now of any legal experts who work AGAINST RSPCA?
deborah replied to deborah's topic in General Talk
out of curiosity are you saying if it was a different breed or a mutt that you would not be going to these lengths to obtain justice for the dogs? It is Clive Rees 01792772046 REGARDLESS!!!!!!!!!!! of what BREED of dog these poor starved, emaciated, matted, unloved dogs were I would fight for them. NO animal should die like that but having had Afghans for 30 years, and adoring my lot like I do, I am naturally very angry about it. Afghans are not demanding, pushy dogs. They prefer to sit and watch and wait in true Hound style. Their suffering must have been dreadful. Most breed -
Anyone now of any legal experts who work AGAINST RSPCA?
deborah replied to deborah's topic in General Talk
Thanks, I just want some justice for these dogs. I wish they had been alive when I found them and all of this hadn't been necessary and I have had alot of sleepless nights since then, and I will never look at a bin bag the same again!! Sometimes I wish I'd never found them cos of the bloody hassle Ive gone through since, but then I think that if I hadnt, they would still be behind that stable and that would have been even worse. At we can do is try and get some sort of justice in their names (Amy, Flora & Henry) Deborah PS. Thank you for the private messages of support. I appre -
Anyone now of any legal experts who work AGAINST RSPCA?
deborah replied to deborah's topic in General Talk
Yes, it does stand for East of England Afghan Club. I have done rescue for years, and thankfully the club have agreed to support this ongoing hassle with RSPCA. The newspaper article got a bit wrong. I took the emaciated bitch, who is now called Lucy, IN on the 16th Feb (ironically that was her 2nd Birthday, but obviously didnt know that at the time) and found the others on March 8th. I spent nearly three hours writing a long report on the whole sad tale for the paper, but they hadn't got enough room to print all of it, so chopped loads out and printed the bare basics. I have now been -
Anyone now of any legal experts who work AGAINST RSPCA?
deborah replied to deborah's topic in General Talk .http://bl138w.blu138.mail.live.com/att/GetAttachment.aspx?tnail=0&messageId=e4a038f4-fc93-4ef8-a16f-d06e838e8441&Aux=44|0|8CB922651CF2870| I dont think for a minute this link thing will work, but I cant upload the article from Our Dogs cos the upload thing is saying the file is too big I am amazed that you should all be SO suspicious of someone just asking for some simple advice. NO Foxfan. I do not have a 'personal feud' with this girl. I have never met her. I simply loathe someone who could be SO needlessly cru -
Anyone now of any legal experts who work AGAINST RSPCA?
deborah replied to deborah's topic in General Talk
And yet you telephone for "help" the very people who would see men like your Dad either put in prison or consigned to the history books!!..........bizarre? How can the local dog warden be of any harm. Plus it was she who told me of the other dogs being kept, we suspected at the stables, having been told that info by a social worker visiting this family. I do rescue for my breed, and as soon as I found out that this 'stray' was NOT a stray, I made lots of enquiries to other afghan people, and then found out that she had a further 3 dogs. I went out on that Sunday determined to find the f -
Anyone now of any legal experts who work AGAINST RSPCA?
deborah replied to deborah's topic in General Talk
Thank you. I'm sure Wilf could get tablets for his affliction if he asked his doctor. LOL -
Anyone now of any legal experts who work AGAINST RSPCA?
deborah replied to deborah's topic in General Talk
The general public are anti hunting because of bad media against hunting, fuelled by groups such as RSPB, RSPCA, league against cruel sports, etc. Which is supported by the government because they want everyone to think the same so easier to control. Not the best response you recieved but then you didn't respond well either, especially as you have generalised against the whole of the members here. Thanks. I have NOT generalised AT ALL!! I just dont see where to click 'reply' to a certain individual, in this case the ignorant Wilf!! -
Anyone now of any legal experts who work AGAINST RSPCA?
deborah replied to deborah's topic in General Talk
Hi The local paper (Lincolnshire) has done a small piece but couldnt even put the breed cos of legal reasons in case she could be 'identified' bloody ridiculous. the dogs were so horrific, she would have hardly been seen out walking em would she! It was in the national dog press last week 'Our Dogs' and is supposed to be in the other dog paper 'Dog World' hopefully this week. It's a bloody legal minefield, and we just want some proper advice what is the best way forward. A normal solicitor isnt going to be that up to date with the Animal Welfare Act and the new 'duty of care' stuff, wh -
Anyone now of any legal experts who work AGAINST RSPCA?
deborah replied to deborah's topic in General Talk
The horses are fine now they are being fed and they are going to prosecute for the horses. When I found the dogs, I called the dog warden for help, it was she who phoned the RSPCA, cos they are the ones who are supposed to HELP along with the police. I do not deserve your nasty words and sadly it shows you up for being not a nice person. This site is found by clicking on google under the name of a solicitor that deals with animal issues. All I did was ask if anyone knows of any legal experts in this field. With postings like yours, it no wonder that the general public are anti hu -
Hi all, I'm new here, found this site by typing God knows what into Google! I've lost track, I've searched for so much stuff I have Afghan Hounds and we have had an extremely cruel incident within our breed of 3 dogs being starved to death and dumped in bin bags (found by me!!) behind the stable block being rented by the owner of these poor dogs. The RSPCA came out to me that day, took bodies etc, promised they would have post mortems etc. (found out later they didn't!) Whilst at the field, the RSPCA Inspector and myself looked at the horses and they were AWFUL. They were taken into c