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Everything posted by josh!

  1. what a bunce of nutter lol
  2. im looking for a paterdale pup (must be a bitch)from 100% digging lines because the pup that i had lined up died the other day so i have a hole to fill!!!! i will consider a young bitch if some one genually needs to get rid of one! i live in the wilts/someset area thanks josh!
  3. i wouldnt worry buddy my mates wippet used to do the same apart from she you use to get right on the rabbits ass and just stay there she didnt even used to strike is was so annoying she just udes to keep coursing and then on day she cougnt one in a hedge and then a few more like it. and now she is amazing on them so fast and turns so well and doesnt hasatate to pic them up so just giv eit time mate
  4. i have pm'ed you mate
  5. you thought about it yet ditch shiter?
  6. sorry to hear that buddy and this ferret was the 2nd ferret i got and a very good worker
  7. well i have got the bleeprs so i might awell use then! and i quite often ferret with out them! well to rats! and she was pritty fat lol
  8. lol exactry the way i left her! we left 2 dead bunny int he warren just in case so i expect she was munchin on them!
  9. blando poster this about our little trip out the other week went we lost my ferret! "Was out ferreting the other day, we netted up in a burrow next to an old fallen down tree root, we put 4 ferrets down al collard up as it was quite a big berry. We had 4 in the nets, lost 2 from un netted holes that the dog missed. Then put 2 ferrets back in the box as nothing else seemed to be happening. One of the other 2 laid up so we dug to it and got it back with a rabbit. But the other ferret the small jill could not be located anywhere we were there for hours looking for her looked al around the s
  10. lol my fettet that be and blando was on about saying in his post saying how ell lost her was smaller that that lol she was a mint ratting ferret but oh well she probably having the time of her life killing all the rabbits arount the farm "oh well the farmer will be happy"
  11. well i couldnt stand it personly! so when you come to by a mk3 pm me and ill by the mk1 collars off you lol
  12. good pics tommy , how old was the pup?
  13. sorry mate cant help you there i sorta had one but couldnt work it lol went back to the grey box
  14. blando you dog is'nt constally on the go lol muppet! look freedom there's a rat "AAAAAAHHHHHHHH"
  15. smart looking dog same name as my dog lol
  16. ive got a collie,grey x bidi,wippet does pritey much every think i ask of her. good allrounder, would be lost with out her :11:
  17. hi there i would stay well away from the mark three i had some one try and swap me it for my mk 1 but it is so complacted i didnt swap
  18. i have a ferret finder 3 collar for sale or swap! i prety much brand new, i was bougth thinking it would work with a ff2 locator but turns out it doesnt realy! so it was only used once! open to offers, or will swap for a ff1 ferret collar preferbaly a micro one any questions just pm me thanks josh!
  19. or get a nice sized garden shed and add some runs not that hard and has to be cheaper?
  20. i thinks its just the same as a rabbit net so i would reach a little bit in tho the hole and push the bottom ring into the groundthen the spred the rest of the net back and over the entrance, then rest the top ring on the top of the ground abboue the hole then take up the slack with the draw string, make sure you pust the ped in good and thats how i do it
  21. did hazel have any thing to do with that lol
  22. i have just been told that they are good dogs
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