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Everything posted by josh!

  1. yeah there mint lol inless your trying go go down a simple grass slope and crashing in to a electric fence +breaking it with some of your so called mates that you stiched up, on a bit of land that you have'nt even got permission for!
  2. right i have just about had enought off this! i am the chap with one of this litter of pup's ,please will and one who knows any thing or that can shed any light on this great big F##K UP pm me and help please
  3. got one of them its a good lamp but want a tighter beam, the idea is that a tighter beam will help the dog pinpoint rabbits better do the lightforce rage have a tighter beam? i mite try the cluson with the filter kit or even bodge something up to tighten the beam.
  4. where abouts are you? im interested in a few gills thanks
  5. i think its supost to confuse the rabbit and slow it down a bit.
  6. good good! thats what i like to here!
  7. is 8 mounths not a bit young? mine did this, but with time and walking away as somone said, they soon pick it up.
  8. she is 10 and a half inches tall at 13 weeks!
  9. Hi, I have been looking for a stud for my whippet bitch for a wile and have come across this 3/4 Belington X ¼ patterdale dog that i am told is a head case and despite its size gets to ground. im not sure if its going to be light enough build if I put it over my ¼ grey ¾ whippet bitch, 1st cross? She’s extremely fast and good on rabbits but constantly hurts herself due to her light build and ends up limping, hence why I thought it mite be a good cross? She’s only 20†so do you think putting that stud over her will make a to heavy and small dog for the bunnies? I don’t have any exp
  10. cheers lads thats a lot of help much appreaceated
  11. i have a pitterdale bitch and im starting to get worried abouut how tall she is growing! i really dont want her to be to big to work to ground! how tall should the average working pup be at about 13 weeks? thanks
  12. josh!

    new truck

    This is the truck, PM me if interested
  13. josh!

    new truck

    im looking to buy a new truck thought this might be a good place to ask some questions i want a crew cab pic up i got about 6k hopefilly ! i currently drive a 300 tdi 90 but fancy a change i would like somehting thats a bit better on the road! the l200 scemes to be about the best truck for the money the navara is 2 expencive and dont like the hilux's so if any of you lot have l200's what like like on miles to gallon? bad bits? good bits? and if any on has got one for sale of is interested in a 90 thanks chaps and chapess's
  14. it was a good day thanks fox dropper see you next month lol
  15. nice pup martin best of luck to you! i have got me one on order now all going to plan should have it in a few weeks fingers crossed!!! oh and did you see me the other day coming down box hill?
  16. thanks mate how far away is that from bath/bristol area Ffs if you belive deltor you will belive anything! hes only 11 ha what you on about i am your f*****k dad i am your mom :kiss: thanks lads a great help
  17. this is my baby! she got some grizzly claws on it now very good off road but not to good on juice but aww well
  18. got to bee off roading/greenlaneging or motocross
  19. thanks mate how far away is that from bath/bristol area
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