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Everything posted by cornishtrapper

  1. no its cheap crap wont ever feed it to my lurchers again
  2. i use them myself, they are an excellent well made snare very very fast running hold foxes very well, yet release non target spiecies unlike some other so called breakaway snares well worth a try.
  3. my 2&a half year old greyhound/deerhound x greyhound
  4. i had this problem with my lurcher bitch ,venison and rabbits are very lean try adding more animal fat and veg oil to there diet works for my dogs
  5. i use Trilanco its a sanitising spray for sheeps feet ect i buy it from my my local farm store it works a treat ive used it for years
  6. just started using rocket fuel as well as feeding meat dogs are doing well and seem to like it.
  7. my dogs greyhound deerhound x greyhound dog 25" 55lb and my greyhound deerhound x saluki bitch 25" 50lb
  8. i dont bother set them straight after making them,i sometimes spray them green but thats only to camoflage them from prying eyes
  9. i tried it on my lurchers and my bitch started getting cramps after a few runs wont bother with it again
  10. the hand ones are useless. ive got a gastroback mincer from ebay its german made got a two year garantee cost £150 deliverd. itl mince rabbit bone and skin no problem, i gut my rabbits first then cut them down the middle from head to tail.itl mince green tripe, hearts, lungs liver fish and any thing else
  11. i bought one at the welsh game fair, thought it would do the job, but found that sometimes the strings that unlease the quick release get cault up and sometimes with the dogs twisting the leads my dogs managed to release themselves. ive since tried using to seperate quick release and have found that bloody useless on my own, now ive gone back to using to 10mm rope leads that slip though there collars that works the best i can let go each of my dogs seperatly or together.
  12. best excersize for a lamping dog is plenty of lamping.
  13. you can only buy them in this country from killgerm. it says on his web sight that he wont deal with anyone from the uk
  14. looks like you are giving your dog the right exercise you could try getting him chasing a tennis ball itl help him catching and turning ect
  15. proper job mate well done, itl give your dog more confidence now good luck with her
  16. dont buy cheap jap crap they are illegal to use and the springs wont last, better of useing the genuine fenns or springers
  17. you can buy or make 50-100 snares for the price of a cage trap. snares and cage traps and collarums <baited snare> all have there advatages and disadvantages depends on the secomstances ,they all work well .
  18. place a small electric fence around the pond about four inches off the ground
  19. the best time to trap mink is febuary & march when they are breeding then again in august and september when the young start to get around. but i tend to trap when i see signs of mink whatever time of the year .
  20. i use 3mm mild steel fencing wire get it from any farm store
  21. sea sand works a treat, if you cant get hold of any use copper tape
  22. hi mate type hyperdrug.com into google
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