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About cornishtrapper

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 05/02/1969

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    behind me lamp
  • Interests
    loose woman and whiskey running me dogs,ferreting ,fishing,hunting & pillaging and feking off to ireland once in a while

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  1. i cut one of those spades down 4 years ago bloody good bit of kit ;-)
  2. I've had no problem with them, very well made traps very very impressed with the quality you won't be disappointed
  3. I've made a wire mesh tunnel with a Mk 6 fenn set inside where you think it got in, and closed the other end of so that it won't catch any of your chickens, the mink that I thought was taking my chickens happend to be 5 feral ferrets
  4. I've used a small funnelled pheasant type cage trap with pigeon Bob wires on so they couldn't find there way out
  5. Total crap made my lurchers shit through the eye of a needle and had problems with them getting cramps
  6. Get the birds used to going in and out of the trap first , I prebait my trap for a week first , I use chopped maize as bait but if they are eating horse feed you could try that, I would also cover the feed that they are eating now to encourage them to go into the trap good luck
  7. My lurchers picked up mange last Christmas I used stronghold from the vet and it cleared it up in a few days also advantage also works ,it takes a few days for the dogs to stop scratching as the mite is still under the skin
  8. i cault a ginger one today that had killed some chickens thats the seventh one this year that ive trapped
  9. i find that i cannot buy the quality of snares that i make myself , and that ive then got the chioce of how long i make them whot type of lock i use and the chioce of hard or soft wire
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