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Everything posted by jay222

  1. i will have the tracer max if you pm me your details
  2. aah bugger me another CAM, gotta say the only other place I've ever seen one is in sporting shooter mag with Robert Bucknell..... are they still available? Cheers DB not sure of the current availability but this one isnt very old at all, they must be quite an exclusive club the serial number on mine is only 82
  3. here is my newest rifle its a cam in .223 with a fluted heavy 1 in 8 barrel a t4ar mod and a falcon menace scope
  4. For foxing I like my 22-250 a very flat trajectory not so loopy as a .243 and you can use it on Roe deer in Scotland (subject to certain ballstic requirements). But I have to admit that .243 is probablly more suited as an all-round calibre. a .243 with 55gr is flatter than a .22-250 with 55gr
  5. get an air arms s410 extra and spend the rest on a decent scope
  6. i dont find much difference between eley fourlongs and eley 3" subs but 3" rc magnums were definately much louder
  7. just cut a cartridge open and see of the slug will go through the barrel at the desired choking
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