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Everything posted by riou

  1. mighty looking pack you got there whats the fawn lurcher out of .
  2. sorry but i got no pictures of them but they do not go to ground they are around nine inc and tri colour dogs and i'm only showing you how good they are but one of the buddies keep a pack of them and are very impressive and stick to the sent all day .If u your are getting one
  3. Na u should get a basset x teackle they have some voice on them and they are very good for flushing game out of cover and i nheszdfkjxbgveirshdbdgsdvgifvr khfvbgg4wierdgv hcdcaegw
  4. smashing pups good luck the the bitch for this yr
  5. can anyone help me out im looking to make 10 fox nets and was wondering can anyone give me a list of what materials id need so i can order the right stuff i.e[ gauge of string and size rings ] thanks guys
  6. no no reason but before i did i read a post about negative comments [ or if you disagree in anyway with what he thinks] its farewell to you my friend
  7. i think i just got kicked off his site anyone else get their marching orders
  8. how did he get all the information about all the digging lads over here did he call to each and everyone of the irish lads in the book and the ones that did;nt make the book if so thats some dedication
  9. ya i was thinking the same [bee sting] if you still havent brought him to the vets try putting brown viniger on it it should help if its a sting if its not it wont do him any harm and noting lost in trying
  10. i heard[ mad matt ] off here was doing the terriers
  11. today is day 17 she stood for a dog today small bit snappy but nothing like she was but she still wont put her tail to the side maybe shes just coming right so fingers crossed
  12. not sure about her being surpressed what would the effects be if she was [would it through her out of sorts]
  13. ok lads thanks for advice
  14. thanks lads ill keep trying [she bleed from day 1 to day 10 and stoped today is day 15 ]
  15. shes having none of it she wont even put her tail to the side
  16. so do you think even though shes 15 days she still might stand
  17. im wanting to cross my coursing greyhound bitch shes in season 15 days today and has no interest in standing for a dog being trying her since day 9 she bleed for 10 days and has;nt swell;d much is it just a case of try again next year or has any one any suggestions thanks
  18. thanks for that found his owner and hes sorting out a courier for him
  19. mate of mine was out for a walk during the week when all of a sudden a racing pigeon was flattened by a falcon he saved it was wondering how to find its owner thanks
  20. ill keep a look out down here good man for putting that up hope this lad gets his dog back
  21. good man for posting pics hope someone can identify these good luck in getting the dog back and hope the lady is ok
  22. thanks for the advice lads
  23. just wondering how long canary eggs can last before you have to put them under a hen
  24. did you have any luck second time round
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