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Everything posted by ryanwylie

  1. Thinking of buying a Bushnell 10x42 Binoculars and Scout 1000 Rangefinder. Its a package deal from an American retailer. Anyone use these items and have any opinions on this stuff?? It converts to roughly 200 quid, not having it shipped here so no customs etc as a friend is taking it home. All opinions welcome!
  2. Sod that, bu are you in the south? Im in the North so customs could be cheaper as up here is part of the UK, yes? no? Anyone know the rates for the customs, what amount is chargeable to the custom rate and what amount is chargeable to VAT???
  3. I'm thinking of buying some stuff from cabelas this week. I understand that the shipping is 45% of the overall value of the items. Can anyone shed any light on how long it takes for items to come (my biggest item would be chestwaders). Also how nice are the customs people - what are the percentages on that sort of stuff? Also help appreciated.
  4. Im after a pair of mad dog ducks unlimited chest waders, with a thermal boot. Anyone know anywhere in the UK to buy them?
  5. Just bought my first stalking rifle and bought a S&B 8x56 30mm!!!
  6. Not bad shooting. I'm shooting a 20 acre spot and in 8 outings over the past 8 weeks for a few hours at a time i've shot 369.
  7. It is a red-sorry, stupid me, I should think before I type!
  8. Or is it a red???Looks like a red with the brow tines at 90 degrees, but looks like palmation on the left antler-confusing, but the yellow rump is making me think its a red....?
  9. Was that first picture of the fallow (i think) buck at the top taken in the pst day or two? He is out of velvet quite early is he not....?
  10. Good idea but I wouldnt have the heart to bore the stock of my new steyr. Thanks anywy
  11. Ok, will take a lookat them. The dilemma is what height I need to buy, I want the scope as low as possible.
  12. I have tried her on her own a few times but not on a lead, so ill give that a try, thanks!!
  13. I have a 1 year old springer bitch, she will retrieve the dummy but will not come to me. She has been called a 'holly' since the start but will not react when her name is called. She can hear as she understands sit and stay. When she retrieves the dummy, she will not come to me with it. She will carry it to about 5 - 10 yards from me and thats it. I have tried coaxing her to me with some dog nuts, little bones, even meat, still wont come to me with the dummy, I have to go to her. She gets out along with my two other labs and springer (all bitches), and sees the two labs retrieving a
  14. I've recently bought a new Steyr Mannlicher Classic, half stock, .243. Im for using a Schmidt and Bender 8x56 scope with 30mm tube. I want to use good quality steel mounts but im unsure what will work out at the right height. Where my eye is comfortable on the stock, i'll be wanting the scope as low as possible, though I know it will be restricted due to the size of the front part of the scope. Can mounts be got in different heights?? Any recommendations on manufacturers - WARNE? All help appreciated
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