Am getting 5000 poults from the borders, £3.50 a bird, although wasn't my choice as the previous lad had already ordered them so may look for change next year, see what these 1's are like, ohh and there polish type pheasant
Aye its about that....tried to cadge a few free tickets of some feed reps but thats a no go.......
Same here, he just said, "I they na easy to get" but might have managed with another bloke
Whats the going rate for a duck flight for 4 guns out off interest, How much do folk charge per gun?
Just looking to see what folk are charging.
Had a look at the Scottish gamekeepers site last night and it was saying that folk that had done the course might have to re-sit it as they haven't decided what should be involved, now like you said surely they can't expexct the folk that have sat it to pay out another £40 to do it again???
Okay cheers, will need to see about getting it done, better to have it than not.
Lad was saying today that folk that had done the course would need to do it again when it becomes compulsary to have it, he thought it was next year??? Will e mail scottish game keepers and find out
Is it compulsary to have done the snaring course now before you can use snares, spoke to a lad today who said it would be compulsary next year?
Anyone have any info
Looking for some advice from an experianced head keeper please, if there is any on here that is genuine and has plenty experiance could they pm me please, thanks
These guys are spot on! You wont go wrong with Richard. As long as you can muster enough guns your on a winner.
Can't get hold of richard, have been to a few fox shoots with richard, based near ellon.
Just recently got a springer pup, 18 weeks old now. When is the best time to start training him, have bought a whistle for him too.
First time had a springer pup as well,
Any information would be good.
Does anyone know what they charge for getting in hounds on your ground? Just looking for some info. Thinking off getting them in to an area where lamping is na just the best.
Good going, was going to have go at rabbits other night as parks where fine and hard with frost, only thing was never got to the rabbits as ended up at foxes, saw 10 and 3 where shot, looks like next week will be foxes again. Good