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Everything posted by shooter19

  1. some buck boy. hard to get bigger than him round here
  2. is that the white stag thats shown in one of the warreners hunting videos???
  3. mostly south tipp and waterford. im bullin for tomoro. the gun is sighted in and theres a few bucks lined up. cant wait!!! the rain is a bolox tho
  4. i found a dead roe deer on the road once and the closest mountain and woods was about 4 miles away and they only hold fallow so however it got there ill never know.
  5. just traded in my first shotgun which was also a lanber sporting deluxe. brilliant gun couldnt fault it in anyway!! only traded it in for a change of scenery really.id recommend it..
  6. clulite is the one to get. not only are they so handy to carry around but it never let me down once and i have it about 4 years now. a friend of mine has a lightforce and its after leavin us down 2 or 3 times in the fields in the last year.
  7. Major1 what about the mental well being of the dog? Like i said fair enough if you walk it as well as putting it on a treadmill but putting it exclusively on a treadmill isn't good for the dog at all. People where not just saying you should walk your dogs and that's it. This topic is about people who dont walk there dogs at all in the summer people who let them sleep in poor conditions. Lazy people who think its ok for a dog to lie in its kennel all summer. Iv heard people say this to me. I rest my dogs up in the summer and let them get fat and chill. What good is that? There's a few lads in a
  8. Major1 what about the mental well being of the dog? Like i said fair enough if you walk it as well as putting it on a treadmill but putting it exclusively on a treadmill isn't good for the dog at all. People where not just saying you should walk your dogs and that's it. This topic is about people who dont walk there dogs at all in the summer people who let them sleep in poor conditions. Lazy people who think its ok for a dog to lie in its kennel all summer. Iv heard people say this to me. I rest my dogs up in the summer and let them get fat and chill. What good is that? There's a few lads in a
  9. ya your right there bud but your going a bit over the top by saying you shouldnt have a dog if you cant walk him 365 days a year. 2-3 times a week durin the summer is plenty. and the dogs arent going to be unhappy if there not out every day. so dont be callin them fellas bad dog men just because they havent all the time in the world like you obviously have.
  10. ya your ryt i suppose. i do alot of shooting for the local farmers when the wheat and barley starts to change colour because they knock so much of it and its hard to know what part of the day the most of the pigeons prefer to feed. its mostly the warm hot weather id lay out the decoys. thanks anyway v max
  11. well ive heard that land rover is always giving trouble. a friend of mine has one and he seems to have freuquent trouble with it that he shouldnt have and another mate of mine which is a mechanic tells me there very unreliable and that a navara is a much better 4x4 to go with. lads who i go shooting with claim that a navara can do as much as any disco off road so i think i know wat ill be buying next time
  12. well lads how ye gettin on. just wondering whats the best times of the day that the pigeons feed and wats the best time you will get most shots in??
  13. i got a collie whippet grey he 9 months and 20" and has been there for a while now so maybe another inch or two over the next couple of months will do him,the outher dogs have been about the same stopping between 10 and 12 months thanks dawnraider
  14. ive a whippet x greyhound and hes coming up to 5 months old. he is about 14"tts and im just wondering what age will he stop growing and what height can i expect him to grow to??
  15. shes only asking a question for christ sake. give her a break!!
  16. im training a whippet x greyhound at the mo. 3 and a half months old. he seems to show sighns of chasing already. and seems quite intelligent. he is stone mad tho like a lunatic. cant wait to see how he turns out. atb..
  17. clonmel. you from tipp aswel??? ya tipp town.... not to far away from me..... know any good spots sown my direction?? i dont to be honest. id only know places around here and spots towards fethard. is tipp any good for hunting???
  18. how old is your pup mate? i start mine at about 7 month old watching experienced dogs run in the lamp. then a month or so later with lamp training . ,you have to read the dog and how it responds ,little easy runs with squatters. then i go from there to day time , walking on the slip so you can choose the runs. and if you know your dog you will know when its ready. hope this helps mate, diffrent people have diffrent ways but for me its all about knowing your own pup. lofti. the pup is only 2 and a half months old. he is still very young i know. i wont be bringin him out till
  19. im just wondering how do ye clean the heads of yere shot stags and bucks. i do it myself but there never perfectly clean. any advice would be great
  20. sitting in the cellar at the moment, i'll give it a week before butchering and getting it in the freezer. Got the head cleaned up yesterday though . 1st one i've done and took a bit of time getting it properly clean. how do you go about cleaning the heads bud???
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