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Everything posted by derbyduck

  1. let me have a think on them for now as i may not get very far without wheels , but might be ok if we have more snow so will just give it a think and get back to you opk cheers Ay Dolf Iv'e got some skate wheels ! do you want to swap for those spuds ???
  2. its a Bluebell there's millions of them at this time of the year!!!!
  3. Harry /Joe it's good in'it iv'e been doing it for years Tony
  4. Hi B.T yes Iv'e seen em theres loads up this way but nobody round here bothers with em ! Iv'e looked through the books iv'e got and I can't find owt that looks like em for this time of year , its a pity cos they grow in big rings and are quite big but Like you I'll not try em till Iknow for sure , there's one that grows round here thats eaten thats similiar that are called brown backs ! but there brown on the back:icon_redface: .. yes mate im good take care mate D.D.
  5. Blacktabs yes you can iv'e had them what some books say is there not as good as normal ones ,get some butter and garlic on em You keeping ok mate ? atb D.D.
  6. Hey up mate did you decoy them ducks in with them pigeon deeks:laugh: .
  7. what's the height and dia. of these bags please ?
  8. Had a quick look this morning on a patch that sometimes has blewis growing on it but no look it was a bit dry . Blacktabs I remember back in the day me and mate going out and picking 3 carier bags full of magics! lol no wonder iv,e got a bad back i must have bent down a thousand times that day ! my mates enjoyed them and i got a few beer tokens aswell Black tabs if you fancy a mouch later on in the year drop me a pm
  9. Hi Blacktabs what part of the country do you come from? I to have been picking srooms for over40yrs but never found any blewies this early ! but then again iv'e never looked for them . Great to see and a good heads up ,it just shows you can teach an old dog new tricks , cheers mate ..
  10. He joined WAGBI in 1967 and was a member until he joined the Royal Marines. When he left the Service after 12 years active service, he then lived and worked in Ireland for several years and rejoined BASC when he returned to UK. He is an extremely energetic secretary of the East of Scotland Wildfowling Club and runs the Wildfowling Forum on the internet. He seems then to have enough on his plate then with the club you are promoting? It seems to me you are better off voting for someone like David , Lee or Harry that have a intrest or background in wildfowling than somebody thats (
  11. What I meant was is it the one where you pull the barell back to load it ,with the barell sat on the top off the action? D.D.
  12. is it the one with the barell on the top? cheers D.D.
  13. Thanks for that. Just looked on google maps where you are Orkney and saw a nice looking place called Outertown, Oh where do you live "Outertown" great name that Regards Hcc Hi Hcc its better than living intown! DD (another chessie lad here)
  14. .I saw the same thing on some bushes friday .looked like there were loads on to start with then I realised they were all bloated... d.d.
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