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Everything posted by shagydog

  1. y dpont you buy it then dog face
  2. 1 strong black pup left 150 quid let me no if any 1 intrested from diggin stuff

  3. me lil blackens just dropped its pups last week 5 dogs an a bitch they should be beltas

  4. hey there dfk i herd you have just ad a litter do ya want 2 lend a bucket

  5. you will have toi pm me your number i can send them to you that way
  6. a friend of a friend showed his dog mini russel x yorkie x dashhound x chiwawa crazy look dog bout 6 inches broken coated thing it was hes had a vixen an a few litters of cubs will go 2 ground an bays at rabbits if thats what you want good look haha atb
  7. put 1 on both sides its belta good fun da bike
  8. put 1 on both sides its belta good fun da bike
  9. shagydog


    i havw ufo motorcross body armour 30 quid ono a sick off falling over it in the house
  10. i have a newton sports optic night vision monocular i havent realy used it much what i have seen its a ok little gadgit 100 or swap for somethink i might think iss handy try me
  11. NOT ALOT MATE WHAT CASH U WILLING TO TAKE. IT WOULD BE FOR OUR LASS SHE HAS A S REG CLIO IF THATS ANY GOOD TO YA has your lass still got that clio i might be intrested
  12. any pics of fox traps mabey intrested
  13. am looking to swap part ex or will even take the cash if the price is right xr 400 honda proper work horse of a bike 4 stroke 2 cylindersn2 spair tyres bike never let me down spair sprocket got a bigger one nout wrong with old 1 it is road regesterd not taxed or a motd carnt see it taking much tho pm me if intrested am looking for a little van of jeep sj vitra somthink along those lines thanks aslo got spair forr a cr 125
  14. you intrested in motorbikes
  15. thats fine when people tell the truth about dogs that are being bred.bigging yourself up online will find you out,when you buy off trust and someones word you expect a person to be honest,I know the bitch and if you two lads are honest,its hardly done anything,4or 5 weeks work don't make it a seasoned terrier,the stud dog on the other hand is a well proven known worker,be sure the truth will find you out,you took the plaudits so now you must take the criticism,remember I know where most of that damage was done to that bitch,hands up,your mates been found out,wirralman shes up to my standes
  16. thats fine when people tell the truth about dogs that are being bred.bigging yourself up online will find you out,when you buy off trust and someones word you expect a person to be honest,I know the bitch and if you two lads are honest,its hardly done anything,4or 5 weeks work don't make it a seasoned terrier,the stud dog on the other hand is a well proven known worker,be sure the truth will find you out,you took the plaudits so now you must take the criticism,remember I know where most of that damage was done to that bitch,hands up,your mates been found out,wirralman
  17. the bitch knows the crack lets leave it at that
  18. the sire is a top dog, hence still being around at this age, the bitch will find above an below, nearly everytime the bitch has been out she has either put something out, found something in a drain, great litter cover worker, and a great little freind
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