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Everything posted by flint67

  1. they are both 3/4 greyhound deerhounds ,smoothcoat brindles hes 3yo 30inch big head deep chest and hobnail boots for feet. A big long striding powerhouse of a dog , not an all rounder by any means but the strongest dog ive ever had , hes hard to keep fit mind wont play, he has to be hunted to fitness , like many i am sceptical about taking the ultimate prize singlehanded but i really was considering having a go. Shes only 27 and has taken much more of the greyhound in her and she is quick, very quick up. . They are a very good double act, but they miss just like any dogs.
  2. thieving scum , what else can i say , this post is by way of an introduction to me , and the first thing you need to know is . .ive been robbed, 20 pens of gamefowl , shamos thai and crosses , every feather in my place was either paid for or hatched by me. Thank god they didnt get the lurchers , but i know theyll be back, if not this week or this month. .they will be back. Hope i can say the same about my lady, coz i was working nights when they came and shes too scared to stay in the house , shes gone. Thing is every one is scared of being robbed, but when you keep lurchers or gamefowl , you
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