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Everything posted by flint67

  1. If youre not registered to vote you can't help overturn the ban ... Are you really too lazy to simply write a x ?

  2. . . . . .sounds good in theory dont it ??and i can see what you mean . . .thing is though , piss tests really fcked up the jails and they d do the same to the dole as well , unless theyve improved them in recent years. Smoking dope , you cant pass a test . . It stays in your system too long , and faced with losing days for failing a test ,that was a problem . . . .guess what ? Smacks out of your system in 48 hours you can pass a test , just refuse it ,cluck for a day , then pass it. Piss tests caused the heroin explosion . .dont get me wrong it was coming anyway , just helped it along , but it
  3. you lot make me laugh . . If its such an easy time what are you all waiting for? When youve been and done 5years straight out of a 10 in an A cat come and tell me all about how cushty it was . .three d up or even foured up in a 2 man cell with a toilet stinking away , weeks of 23hour bang up with 1 hour in the yard , 1 laundry change a week , oh yeah but youve got a tv so its real easy. 1hour a fortnight with your family , until you get shipped out in the middle of the night 200mile away , so no more visits. Honestly it cracks me up, you get one piece in the sun about how all the bent coppers
  4. Homophobia I never understood why its a "phobia" thats just bollocks , if youre prejudiced against any other group of people its not a phobia is it ??? Youre just a racist or a sexist or whatever , so why if you are prejudiced against gays , does it have to be because you have a fear of them?. .and thl is absolutely riddled with queer talk , ive never been on a site where so many people are continuously making gay comments.
  5. down here they are a plague , nothing less , the numbers are at plague proportions. I put a thread up about a week ago , have a read . "the sins of the badger" its total destruction by pig. They are cubbing right now , but the two times that you get livestock predation by badgers are when the ground is either frozen solid or baked hard , and when billy gets in your poultry sheds he dont mess about.
  6. i grew up in the 70s in a little seaside town. We d be up at the crack of dawn all through the holidays , id go the length of the town with my homemade go cart , racing the bin men to all the bins to get the 6p corona bottles to return . . It was a living!! Then up the beach at low tide with a garden fork and a bucket to dig bait , all the time arguing about the best way to get king rag , but we always got more lugworms than ragworm !! Id think nothing of dragging my soapbox go cart a mile and a half across town to the steepest hill ,just to lug it all the way up then crash out of control on t
  7. I would say as the dog is ok on fox , hes not jacking on deer due to the pain of being kicked about , he just thinks he cant catch them. Yes he can be sorted out. If it was me there are 2or 3 things i would try , dont know if these options are available to you. 1 . .i would run him doubled up with a good deer dog ,on great running ground even if i had to travel to find that land. We all like our deer dogs singlehanded , but an experienced dog can bring a novice on. Chances are the carcus will not be a pretty sight but it will be ok for dog food. 2. . .the next time you get this dog on a deer
  8. brains in dogs . . . It all depends on how you hunt and what you enjoy , me personally its the last thing i look for in a dog and i steer clear of collie crosses. There are people out there who enjoy seeing the dog work for itself , but not me. .i cant stand mooching dogs , god knows i wish there was a lurcher with no sense of smell my biggest bugbear is a running dog with its head to the ground , i want sight hounds scouring the horizon, im not in the least bit interested if theres a pheasant in the hedge or a rabbit in the long grass or more bloody likely if a fox had a crap 4hours ago or a
  9. this question comes in 2 parts really . .as rabbit hare and deer are all flight prey ,this is the work that running dogs have been bred for ,for centuries. Jacking on this prey is , as most would agree, more often than not the owners fault .its not that the dog necessarily cant catch , its because it thinks it cant. Run on hares too young , if the first 10 get away without a turn ,game over for life. Ridiculously long slips on prey sat 5yards from a hedge, slipping a dog when its knackered , injured or unfit , they all break a dogs heart , and broken hearted dogs jack.the second part of the qu
  10. 3/4 grey 1/4 deer , my choice of dog for many years , ideal deerhunting dogs , what people often forget is that not only did the GOOD deer dogs have to have size and strength to tackle deer bigger than roe , but they had to be quick. Some 2nd x were also quick enough , but no matter what the breeding you have to keep the speed. I wouldnt recommend them for rabbitting , there have to be 10or 12 better breeds of lurcher for that game. I wouldnt run 28 and 30inch dogs on rabbits , just asking for injuries , sure they can do a half decent job , but it just aint their game
  11. flint67


    this sort of thing really winds me up too mate , its like they have nothing to say ,except personal abuse. Im guessing the old bill have to decide whether making arrests would cause more agro than necessary in what could be a volatile situation . .but its not good enough ,anyone shouting abuse at kids should be thrown to the floor with the familiar excessive force of the police that we all know and love !!! I always say the one thing the antis cant cope with is the thing they hate most . . . .im sure the MFH wouldnt have been impressed but the sound of a thousand people chanting "we all kill b
  12. if you ban the old bill from here . . .well first off how would you do that?? . .but anyway , if you do ban the police what exactly are you saying? That this is a site which not only tolerates criminals but actively protects them !!! Not the best image. Where do you draw the line? Arent solicitors , barristers , qc s , magistrates and judges all duty bound to report a crime if they suspect one has been committed? What about farmers and landowners who it would seem are the mortal enemies of some on this site? What about all the hunters who hunt within the law and dont agree with those who dont?
  13. i never said i hunt one for the pot , never have , far from it. Back when i was younger it was nothing to have 10 or 15 deer hanging in my barns , i would take a couple of dogs out at 10or 11oclock , run them slip for slip single handed , take them home and often take 2 more out at 2ish , we would have all dogs kennelled by dawn and go out in a box van to pick everything up from the roadside , i had a landy winch bolted behind the seats and winched them all up a makeshift ramp into the van. None of the stories of "poaching gangs" were down to me , because i never left a trace of where id been
  14. timmy , ive known guys like you all my life . .you call me a divvy , but youre talking to the guy whos been at it over a quarter of a century and never even come close to seeing old bill. Some people might be taken in by your "reasoning" , but it just dont add up to me. I know how many sika stags you can fit in a motor , and any dog that can only hit one deer a night aint worth shouting about right , so a couple of blokes and a dog in a scooby travelling 150miles + , just how many deer you planning on taking back with you ? What about 2men and 2dogs in a motor ? Should be 4 or 5 deer to cart
  15. i can only hope that you live more than 150 miles from my neck of the woods
  16. i think most of this crap is just sheer modern laziness , and its all part of the same thing . . .driving fields , (in case it comes on top) bollox , driving them BRINGS it on top , (you see more gear) not true either , how about , "cant be bothered to walk ?? It aint safecracking their way its bloody ramraiding. Then we get , have to leave dead deer behind , coz its on top (again) yeah right , just not interested in dragging deer, skinning deer , butchering deer , too much like hard work . And for the guy who has to travel 150 miles to find a deer in this country , where the hell are you sta
  17. i just dont get the criticism of the tory party !! Labour will never repeal or reform the act , never. Lobbying , petitioning , protesting to the labour government will have zero effect. Now as much as we all love hunting we are the minority , and public opinion is against us , so for the tories to put this issue front and centre , would lose them more votes than they would gain. Everyone in support of hunting will vote tory , everyone anti will vote labour. What about the other 40+million voters , most would rather go veggie than pull a chickens neck , and every time they are asked they supp
  18. 2009 update : in nearly every thread that comes up about repeal , the fear is that fox hunting will be allowed and hare coursing will remain outlawed . . .because the "toffs" will be catered for , and the "common man" will not. Reading through the archives , i find some of these thoughts interesting and i am in agreement . As i have said before the biggest single problem in the lurcher world is cowboys.
  19. fish fish , if you go on the website Public Whip , you will see how your mp and every other mp , has voted on this and every vote. Only secret ballots are secret. The countryside alliance is the political lobbyist you are looking for. Cameron has said . . If we are elected we will give parliament the opportunity to repeal the hunting act on a free vote with a government bill in government time . .there will be no watering down or retreat from this and it will be repeated in our election manifesto. When you consider that we often see polls which put public opinion MASSIVELY ON THE WRONG SIDE O
  20. i think its just an indication that hes learning , in his own way leanne. He knows he shouldnt have done it , knows it shouldnt be there , maybe even thinks it might get him in trouble , so hes having a go at it , objecting to it in his own way.
  21. cameron will allow a free vote on the act , meaning each mp votes their opinion not along party lines. . .it certainly doesnt mean the country will get a vote on it. If you dont vote conservative nothing will change. Foxhunting is not a "toffs" thing , that is just a stereotype, nothing more.
  22. Porterlord , you should remember that most of the members on here were born knowing everything there is to know about dogs. my advice is take some time to read through as many threads as you can , work out who actually does know a bit about dogs and ask any questions you may have by pm. With regards to your bitch, you have nothing to worry about , as a couple of lads have been good enough to say , good terriers are as you describe yours when above ground. I understand your concerns , its hard to imagine isnt it? That a dog who is lolling about like a kitten will have enough fire in its belly
  23. liam , you ask where do we draw the line? When there is no respect for the prey . .to hunt a stag only to release it , doesnt sit well with me , and i fully admit it is beyond my comprehension why anyone would think this is acceptable, and carting stags to hunt is equally unpalatable, the ward should either hunt deer as any other pack of staghounds or they should drag hunt. Kev : i have hunted deer over a quarter of a century and whilst it is a more honourable method to hunt one on one with a lurcher than to hunt with a pack , i have no problem with genuine packs of staghounds whatsoever, i am
  24. Its just a topic of conversation that im interested in mate , thats all . .i d be interested to hear anybody elses opinions , any point of view either in agreement or not , so long as its constructive, any other stories of 'destruction by badger'. Im also interested in the official badger population and the optimum density for a healthy population . . . .maybe later when ive got over 100guests reading this, i might get a post from a brand new member with some facts and figures. I think there could be a new angle to getting a licence for a localised cull , due to the excavation , the land is th
  25. well mate ,if you read it again you ll find plenty of lads on this thread saying they do it to avoid getting nicked.also ian and myself have local knowledge and weve both explained it does go on , and the ones last year with the 12bore solids in em and the antlers cut off? . . . As for terriers and pets , im scratching me head a bit there, i could see how they could catch fawns , but other than that. One of the problem with day time deering , back in the day was the dog will automatically cut out the weakest , often the youngest , they do it instantly and instinctively , running flat out top s
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