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Everything posted by msborntoshoot

  1. msborntoshoot.. dirty dog big dog lol
  2. joes hoes my hoes ME ! joke, urmm hoes thong :S LOL
  3. haha, u dont know me as well as you thought then, im nearly an expert in ferrets ... but might be good for some advice lol. and ive wanted a ferret since i was 5 but not for the same reason i do now .. well partly..
  4. Nice bitches mate. wish i had money. and a better home for them .
  5. Oh and also, i would just hope for the best outta the pup, it might turn out to be a great dog, who wants to do a great job.
  6. My pattie was as dopie as anything when i first got her .. and parents chose her for family, and now i realize she's great and if i had started her earlier she would be great, ive realized that she isnt dopey anymore she 3 now and so excitable and full of energy all the time, she never leaves me alone, she's a weird terrier though her best mate is a guinea pig and whenever she see's a rabbit she want to play with it not kill it or anything, she wouldnt harm a fly lol.
  7. Aww good luck with her mate she looks a great one.
  8. haha that will be a laugh .. jokes. Your good wid de gun. lol
  9. She a lovely bitch, wish i had the money and space for her.
  10. dunno i put up with her moaning all day when she falls off (alot) so i think so. I dont moan Lol, only if its super bad .. but im still enthusiastic bout it .. and continue .. like i still ride every day .. wish bazz was fitter for like u know hunting .. god he's soo fat lol like you then!! oahhhhhhh!!!! joking. U D!ck .. lol. No.
  11. A few?!? Look like alot too mmeeee lol. nice one mate.
  12. Nob head (only cos im talking to one right now)
  13. yer thts what he ses (borntoshoot)
  14. HAHA hmmmmm thinking .. hmmm nahh i know what shes gunna do............ i recon its gunna be summin like.......used tampon in my bed or something like that :sick: :sick: or shes hide my guncleaner (that pisses me off when i cant clean my airrifle) urmmm lol.
  15. :clapper: that deserves pay back lol salt in his tea feckin get enough of that even when i dont piss her off lol haha its fun putting salt in tea...
  16. HAHA hmmmmm thinking .. hmmm
  17. AHHH feck, that was my boyfriend being a tw@t Sorry guys ... memba borntoshoot is the tw@t of the site! Lol
  18. hi all my botyfriend is suffering with period pain and hes moaning like feck anyother men on this site have period pain right now?
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