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Everything posted by mick20

  1. 24 years old. Preparing for marriage Oh how i wish i knew then what i know now . Finding work away from home for 3 years in Pleasley, Mansfield eased the pain though Drinking and working took up most of my time Happy times.
  2. 1.I have worked ferrets for a few years and only recently purchased a locator (last three seasons), so while they are a great piece of kit the absence of one does not prevent you from ferreting imho. Obviously large warrens pose greater problems when not using a locator if the ferret lies up . 2. Usually I only have trouble with having to reset nets when ferrets are wearing collars, normally without collars they slip through the meshes without disturbing the net, although i hasten to add not every time . Are they large ferrets? Do the nets have small mesh size? 3/4. Rabbits do not a
  3. A bit early yet, normally November before we see any up our way. ATB Mick
  4. www.totalfishinggear.co.uk Try a look in here mate. I have the Force 8 extreme and find it a nice bivvy and quick to erect (which is a bonus in winter). The only downside to this bivvy is that it's a bit tight for two bedchairs so maybe next time i will go for the giant. ATB Mick
  5. Don't know if it is still available but we always used sulfamezathine(forgive the spelling it has been a few year), it seemed to work great but cocci needs to be caught sooner rather than later for quick/effective treatment. ATB Mick
  6. I use Hemp nets in amongst brambles ATB Mick
  7. Hi, i found this on the web, hope it helps What are the symptoms? Swelling is usually the main symptom. This can especially happen on the muzzle of the dog if it gets stung on the face. Your dog may also be yelping in pain or pawing at the sting site. What should I do? First, you want to get the stinger out if it was a bee. Go get some tweezers and try to see if it's still in the dog. Look for the swollen area or around where the dog seems to be aggravated. Sometimes the stinger may not be there, as it will have been pulled out already. You need to check, though, because gettin
  8. Hi bell, don't know if it's the done thing but we have a large plastic barrel with a pheasant spring feeder fitted to the bottom and the wild ducks love it.Took them no time at all to start using it. We fill it fortnightly as it's a long travel to pond from home so can't hand feed the pond. Used this method for three years (now thinking of adding another) and always good numbers of duck on the pond so they must be happy enough. ATB Mick
  9. Just my opinion but i think at 4 months old there is plenty time, i taught mine to sit stay (at meal times) and recall in the garden first,any retrieving that may (or may not )occur at this age is during his play time. Never had field trial winners but have been happy with the companions i ended up with for rough shooting. Atb with him in the future mate. Mick
  10. Nice bag there Ian . See by your second post you're not a lover of .17hmr.
  11. Same here, I always go for head shots too but miss now again also
  12. Will be there with family and some ferrets. ATB Mick
  13. As 'The one' says, something to sit on during tea-break and better protection for your little fert.
  14. Play it safe, give him a call, what ever the outcome at least he will know you were sensible enough to ask first. ATB Mick
  15. Hi brambrack, remember the phone contact i gave you for spaniel trainer called Darren, well he also has a website for training equipment -www.kirkbournegundogs.co.uk, i think he has the same starter pistol @ £27 try him first. ATB Mick
  16. mick20

    Cute Foxes

    Let's hope the bairns are ok
  17. That's a nice looking dog you have there , hope you have good luck with him. ATB Mick
  18. Hi Kay, like the second photo best , it looks like a real stressful job that train driving ,(not). p.s. hope you get well soon (shingles ouch )
  19. Nice post lurchergirl, Love the photos taken in the bales, shows how much fun you lot were having. Your boy looks well chuffed in the tractor(bet it's on his xmas wish list lol) ATB mick
  20. Start with 'sit-stay', recall and walking to heel,
  21. Thanks for the advice guys,,,i'm from north east england,Dottydoo Hi sid, whereabouts in NE, let me Know and we can have a bit craic, if you are brand new to this ferretting game i am willing to take you out with me on my permission or come to yours,(not the best time of year at the minute though) i am no expert but have been ferretting for a good few years and maybe could point you in the right direction and give a bit advice too (if you want it). PS it is still worth going back to search for your ferret, as said above, leave ferret box at one of the holes where you lost it, it's th
  22. Happy St Patrick's Day to all on THL
  23. mick20

    daddy again

    You must be well proud mate, the bairn is beautiful, congratulations to you and your missus----29 f@ckin hours-----hope you are doing the housework for her lol.
  24. Fly fishing - can't wait
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