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Everything posted by mick20

  1. Dog walked, ferrets cleaned out..now for F1, Bulmers and Sunday dinner...don't get much better than this

    1. shealy1


      Like your style ma man lol ;)

  2. Thoughts are with the family and friends of Alan Henning today. RIP fella.

  3. What a cracking offer and great opportunity for a young 'un to get into the game. Hope you get a good 'un. Atb Mick
  4. A bit early for us but we decided to have a day at the pond on our small perm up Alston way and I have never seen so many ducks. When we arrived at the field next to the pond approximately 250 to 300 duck lifted off the water, no shots fired we hurried to put the hide up and settled in to wait for some to return. Within a minute or two several flocks of mallard returned, probably most of what had just taken off and that was only the beginning. We dropped three ducks from four shots and then a site I have never seen in the 6 years or so we have been on this perm, flock after flock of mallard
  5. Used mk1 many moons ago and no complaints, I have mk3 and mk3m now and still no complaints. Atb Mick
  6. Is this posted anywhere else, Dogslost or Facebook, if not get it on there coz the more people that see it the better chance of getting it back mate. Hope someone finds it for ya mate. Atb Mick
  7. I agree with your comment but surely the phrase 'what goes around, comes around' applies to us! Did we not do this to the indigenous people of Australia? People in glass houses and all that. Atb Mick
  8. Back to 5 days a week. Wahoo

  9. Three day week is not good.

  10. Anyone got a contact number for the above. I can hear them shooting on a Sunday morning somewhere down Moorside way so hoping someone on here has a phone contact. Atb Mick
  11. Can you contact the person you got them from and ask how old they are. As said above, if they are last years kits give them time they may come good next season, if they are older ferrets I agree that there are workers and shirkers and probably the reason why you were given them. No one is going to give away seasoned good working ferrets, unless it's a close mate. Do you have permission on land to go ferreting ? Surely there is someone on here in your area who will come to your perm and help you out! Atb Mick
  12. Is there no one nearby with ferrets who could go with you? Atb Mick
  13. I have a pair of jack pyke hunter trousers but as above, in a downpour they let in. Atb Mick
  14. mick20

    Last Day.

    Worst day of the season. Shot 4 mallard all morning then the rain came in horizontal followed closely by hail n sleet. Hope to have better luck ferreting....... If the ground ever dries up a bit. Atb. Mick
  15. mick20

    Last Day.

    It's the last day on the pond for me today. My dog seamed extra bouncy this morning as I was getting the gun out of cabinet. Plenty cartridges ( I will need them lol) in bag and here's my lift so am off. Happy hunting. Atb Mick.
  16. Ready for the off. Last day on the duck pond, hope to bag a few for the freezer.

  17. Bring on the Bulmers

  18. As above, shot yesterday, you will need to pluck them yourself. Consett area. Any takers pm me asap. ATB Mick
  19. Two brace of ducks (shot yesterday) free to good home, Consett area. You will need to pluck them though.

    1. keepdiggin


      I'd of had them mate but its only a average home.

  20. As above or try fishing the faster water with goldheads (upstream). Tight lines ATB Mick
  21. I don't understand how they can refuse the hmr. In their letter to you, they say that 'one piece of land cannot be cleared for HMR', so from this you can say that the other must be suitable for this round, ok. You only need 'one suitable piece of land' for a particular round to be issued the certificate. I would contact BASC and get them to help you sort it. I had no problem with getting mine and the land is only 70 acres, 22,17hmr and 223, the firearms officer only asked me to get out with someone to get more experience using the larger calibre. Good luck in getting sorted mate. Happy s
  22. Eventually managed a trip up to Invergarry last week to have a go at catching a Ferox trout. First of two days Wednesday 03/04/13, after good nights kip and full breakfast at Castle Hotel(very posh ) we set off to meet Peter Thomas at 9.30 am on Loch Garry. Peter supplied all gear, rods, reels, lures and everything else we would need for the two days we had booked him (except sandwiches). After a bit craic about hunting/fishing and our expectations of the day, we got into the boat and set off with the prospect of catching big trout. Peter explained all the time what he was doing, how we
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