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Everything posted by samson11111

  1. nice dog mate :thumbs:smokey great grandfather of my dog,smokey x rogue.nearly 10 month atb
  2. any one got dog,s out of tommy murray smokey?any pic,s lads atb
  3. got any better pic of the red un. looking good bud snow again and solid ground looks like our talk of a walk out is of for now mate feckin weather mate
  4. got any better pic of the red un.
  5. black dog s,b,g x gh 3 years old.fawn pup s,b,g x s,g nearly 10 months
  6. cheers young buck he does look like dam atb
  7. sorry about pics using my phone atb
  8. cracking looking pup fella atb with im cheers mate atb
  9. no mate,he,s nearly 27 tts still some growing yet so taking my time with him atb
  10. pic of my pup,next seasons dog atb
  11. HOW OLD MATE VERY SIMILAR TO MINE he is 10 months mate atb
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