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Everything posted by hogdog

  1. You can't make a dog work by using one, you can stop it getting run over though.
  2. Electrolytes should not be considered drugs, they are natural substances needed by the body for normal function.
  3. There's alot of ignorance about them and alot of assumptions made. I agree that in the wrong hands they are an instrument of torture but in the right hands, on the right dog, in the right circumstances they are the best tool you can own.
  4. Rescue dogs are nearly always temperament tested, anything with even a slightly suspect temperament is put down.
  5. Nice one swag so when your looking back through the generations you have to see if there any faults that are common within that line as it would be twice as likely to show up in the offspring? If we're being pedantic it's actually many, many times more likely. If there are quality sires of a similar type available then brother to sister matings make no sense, too risky for limited potential reward. thanks hogdog ,but would that not mean that the good qualities within the line are more likely to show as well though? I'm not thinking of doing this by the way I'm just genuinely i
  6. Nice one swag so when your looking back through the generations you have to see if there any faults that are common within that line as it would be twice as likely to show up in the offspring? If we're being pedantic it's actually many, many times more likely. If there are quality sires of a similar type available then brother to sister matings make no sense, too risky for limited potential reward.
  7. I'm not a ratter but I'm surprised no-one else has chimed in so the basics are fence off the area/block escape routes so they don't all escape once disturbed and start digging and turning stuff over to disturb the nests - hay, straw, compost heaps, feed piles etc. Equipment - Terriers (lots of them preferably), a few rolls of chicken wire or some board to fence off the area, a shovel, a fork, a smoker for flushing them out of inaccessible places, a bucket to collect them in so the dogs don't keep picking them up/eating them when they're dead, disinfectant/first aid kit for the dogs and so
  8. Try Wainwright's Salmon and potato from Pets at Home, it's £32 for a 15kg bag which is pricey (20% VAT as it's not a 'working dog' food) but pretty good compared to similar quality products. They also do a non branded white fish and potato and IIRC that's £12 for 10kgs so a bit better on price...It stinks though!
  9. It is entirely possible, it's called a 'bob tail'. The gene that was in bob tail Corgi lines was used to create the bob tail Boxer when docking was banned... http://search.yahoo....tail-story.html
  10. Yes, they are very effective. http://search.yahoo....bu0%26ns=splash
  11. Absolutely fine and normal for them to use their front teeth to give a warning nip/snap, not O.K if they're using their K9's and/or giving a shake. If the warning nip breaks the skin then so be it, my younger dog has an inch long scar on it's nose from a warning nip, it really put him in his place and it helped to establish pack order. He hasn't pushed his luck since.
  12. You can get proper solutions to toughen the pads. I use 'Tuf-Foot', you can get it from most Whippet and Greyhound suppliers, Husky racing suppliers or from Tack shops as they use it for Horses hooves too. A £10 bottle lasts forever.
  13. They're only worth what people are prepared to pay.
  14. It's just semantics, a hybrid is technically a cross between two species but as it's humans that define what a species is the term hybrid is open to interpretation. For the sake of keeping the term meaningful it shouldn't be applied when you're talking about mating two genetically similar dogs even of they are both 'hybrids' (what most would call crosses)...Mating a brother and sister Whippet x Grey would mean they would be homozygous for alot of their genes which would defeat the object if the object was to add 'hybrid vigour'.
  15. That's almost certainly about the interaction of genes that determine growth. If I remember correctly a Liger is a male Lion and female Tiger cross and the genes that restrict growth exist either only in the female Lion and/or male Tiger, therefore the resulting offspring are unable to inherit it.
  16. The use of painkillers in dogs is a very tricky subject, all painkillers can have detrimental effects in dogs so I would be very wary about using them without proper veterinary supervision. What's more worrying is that you're masking the pain without knowing the cause...Get it to a vet!
  17. Sooo much confusion lol. Hybrid vigour (heterosis) is the term used to define the crossing of species but species are only what science terms as a specific type, if our dogs (say a Terrier and a Whippet) were wild then science would almost certainly class them as separate species because they are so genetically dissimilar...Even very closely related dogs (say Greyhounds and Whippets) would be classed as sub-species or regional variants. Crosses between species are very rarely infertile, it's mostly to do with the mode of inheritance of the fertility genes. Since the mode of inheritance
  18. Depends how severe it is, I'd say that a small amount of toe-out is perfectly normal. Toe-out normally goes hand in hand with sloping pasterns, toe-in tends to go with upright pasterns. As for whether there's any significant effect on performance I couldn't tell you, I'd just avoid extremes of either for health reasons.
  19. If you're too tight to look after them properly you shouldn't be allowed to have dogs.
  20. Don't mess about if it's a deep cut, if it needs stitching you could be creating problems by not getting it stitched. I learned my lesson with a small but deep cut recently (only about 2cm wide). I could keep infection away with regular cleaning and disinfecting but every time it started to heal it would reopen creating more scar tissue which would have made it really difficult to stitch if it had come to that. It did eventually heal O.K but I wouldn't take the risk again.
  21. This video always brings out the keyboard warrior in people. That Deer could probably kick the crap out of Mike Tyson, let alone any one of us.
  22. I'm not saying that it would be a good cross as I don't know but the original, working Shar Pei is a decent dog. It was originally bred as a general purpose working farm dog but it's another one that's been well and truly f****d up by the show crowd. My neighbour has a really good looking one as a gaurd dog...It scares the crap out of me anyway.
  23. ok cheers for the info, i learn something new all the time.. No worries, their noses are normally quite dark so it's not obvious like it is with the red nosed dogs. If you look at the Kerry Blue and some other breeds their blue coat is created by a different gene so the nose on them is black.
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