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Everything posted by hogdog

  1. Every breed is a mongrel if you go back far enough. The Alaunt was a running mastiff that supposedly became 'extinct'...that description is not accurate because a breed can never become extinct, only species can. The genetic material that it took to create the breed the first time around is still available and there are people out there working hard to re-establish it and having alot of success. If it looks like an Aluant, works like an Alaunt and breeds true like an Alaunt then it is an Alaunt. Call the people who breed them what you like, they're doing a good job of re-establishing a
  2. My Ingles bred Bull Terrier has a fantastic nose on him and he really uses it well, in fact it surprised me just how much he uses it. Bull Terriers (EBT's) are well known for having a good nose so I would try to find a well bred Bull Terrier cross. They're not easy to find though.
  3. I know this fella and he's no bullshitter and neither are his colleagues, he's a very modest man with no need to exaggerate his achievements. He's always been a bit of a legend in his regiment and now even more so, top bloke.
  4. Seeing as I was talking about a WORKING TERRIER I'm not sure what your point is. I'm also not sure what the relevance of the breed is in regard to what I posted...no actually I am sure, there is no relevance. What the **** does it matter anyway? Too many argumentative ***** around here.
  5. The section is earthdogs and working terriers pal, no offence intended. I think that was the main intention of the topic. FTB I didn't say it wasn't a working dog did I?
  6. or maybe it's because you've smoked too many L-skins and you're just making stuff up?
  7. Where does it say that it's about digging dogs? You're imagining stuff. It's about the price of pups. Now, have you got anything interesting to say?
  8. You've no idea what you're talking about eastmids. no I'm not talking digging dogs.
  9. Intelligent, articulate input eastmids, thanks for that.
  10. I agree, I spent more than two years looking for a dog, I was offered several really good quality dogs for free but I wanted the best dog I could find. I paid good money for it but I'd have paid twice that because I wanted the best. I don't begrudge good breeders charging good money for pups, raising them is hard work and for some people it's their life's work. A good breeder will sell you much more than a dog and that's hard to put a price on.
  11. It could come form all sorts of other breeds, there are quite a few red nosed plummers which is a likely source or it could just be a reccessive gene that's popped up. The red nose thing always gets associated with the Pit Bull but there are loads of other breeds which carry the gene.
  12. A little evening primrose oil in their food works really well.
  13. I know of a couple of people that have them and they're very happy with them, my brother has one. His dog is about 17" and 20lb. Fantastic little bushing and ratting dog, really easy going until he's got a job to do and then he's very focused and driven. A bit too focused at times and recall is a problem but an electric collar sorted that out. My brother rates him very highly, perfect for the small stuff, maybe a little too small for the rabbits on open ground but he's very quick for his size. Good luck.
  14. I don't know if you've noticed poacher but I think your caps lock is broken.
  15. I all the years I've been around Staffords I don't think I've seen a nicer head, stunning. Can we have some more pics please? Side on would be great. People don't realise that over the years the Stafford has got bigger and heavier, in the old days alot of Staffords were around the 25-30lb mark, much smaller than you'll see today, people don't even recognise proper Staffords anymore and think they're cross breeds, very sad
  16. What do you need insurance for? Is he going to sue you? Is he going to report your dog as dangerous? Just buy the fella some beers, apologise, keep a check on him making sure he's O.K and reassure him that you've taken steps to make sure it won't happen again, there's no need to make a big deal of it.
  17. Fantastic video thanks for posting. Now that's how to clear your land of rabbits! It's certainly a different style of hunting dog...a bushing and coursing dog in one neat package. I've heard that they use ferrets with these dogs too.
  18. If I had the space, time and money I would, maybe in a couple of years. Everything I've read so far seems positive, they're an ancient breed that are virtually free from genetic disease and health problems which is rare as **** in the modern dog world. They come in at 21-25" 45-60lbs, easy to handle and train, intelligent with a stable temperament and big prey drive. All that of course is just stuff I've read, I've never even seen one let alone seen them work. Would love to hear from someone that has seen them work.
  19. aaah, have you seen them working NORELATION?
  20. O.K so I know it's a really long shot but does anyone know of working Pharoah Hounds? I don't see any reason why people wouldn't work them as they were bred for bushing and coursing rabbits...I assume it's just the rarity factor.
  21. There are Bull Terriers... and there are Bull Terriers
  22. I give the cut a good clean with salty water or Savlon antiseptic liquid or similar and then apply Savlon antiseptic spray. I repeat the process regularly to make sure it stays clean. It's worked really well for my dogs on cuts and a ripped off toe nail. If it becomes infected then I get them straight down the vets.
  23. It depends what you mean by the runt, if you mean a small, sickly, weak pup then I wouldn't take it but if it's just the smallest one there's no reason why it shouldn't be as good as any other dog in the litter. People have different ideas of what a runt actually is.
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