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Everything posted by pitfurness

  1. my bitch, not a great pic but she's a cracking dog! got her first long ears the other day! was really pleased.
  2. I know a bloke who's got a poodle lurcher. mint dog and seriously quick! From what ~I've read about them since, the poodle was used as a hunting dog a long time ago.
  3. you dozey muppet!! you know as much about dogs as im confident in beating stephen hawking in a quiz!! Go do some research. The only proper bull is a pitbull!! others are just substitutes.
  4. thats what i think pal, read some of your posts on here bud abd you seem to know what you're talkiong about, other that alot of people you get on here it is abit of fun, but it's nice to know you're dog looks well though, right? cheers
  5. Got my dog in the derbyshire bullx finals next month. I'm hoping he does well but i think there's alot of stigma about white dogs still, what do you lot reckon? could a white dog do aswell as a black?? this pic was took over a yr ago and he's looking much better now. in my opinion it should be about what the dog can do, not what he looks like after, if you know what i mean?
  6. dogs have a natural anit-septic in there saliver, thus why they'll lick wounds on both them selves and you. it may take a little longer to heal but it's thier natural way. they clean themselves with their tongue so they know how to clean a wound. 90% of vets will put you off the idea so they can charge you ridiculous amounts of money to put a disc around their neck. A dog is essintialy a wild animal and do you think they have vets in the wild?? Any animal, be it a dog or an Elephant will not purpously do itself any harm so just let it do what it wants. All will be well after time. atb
  7. thanks for that mate, the whole nail has come off, leaving just the flesh/nerve there. I have kept it clean but each time he catches it it bleeds agin.
  8. my dog caught one of his a couple of weeks ago, bled loads! now everytime he catches it, it starts again. I've heard it's a bigger and more expensive operation when they are older, is this right?
  9. I went on the sun, thought it was an ok show. dragged on a little i think though partly because of the new system of racing they were using letting one dog go at a time between lazers. Terrier men had a hard time there! some nice dogs though. Another thing that quite annoyd me is the fact that when judging the Bullx class, alot of judges, including the man who judged it on sun don't like much bull in the bullx's. Granted a dog that has only the tinyest bit of bull in them may enter the class, but shouldn't it be a case of "it does what it says on the tin?" why have a bullx that is only 35lb? t
  10. im good cheers pal. don't think im gonaa be able to get there, cars about had it mate so got no transport.
  11. that looks like an alaunt mate. nice!
  12. old pic, looking abit better now. haven't got any recent ones though.
  13. what breeding is that black dog? is it cane corso? Shes a Presa Canario and you cant knock them for hunting shes bloody brilliant!!! really?! not heard of anyone hunting with them before. can imagine they'd be really game though!
  14. what breeding is that black dog? is it cane corso?
  15. nice dog mate! where did you get that collar from pal?
  16. road kill :11: i think it is a good idea to know what to do with the kill as alot of people dont think of it. i just wish i had the knollage on this subject then i would write somthing onit but i dont have much of a head for writing. it just gives the antis more ammo against us too right it does. Thing is, foxes will clear up anything else that happens to get left but they aren't going to eat thier own. personally, I burn them.
  17. great topic mate! look forward to seeing the answers. I spoke to a bloke once who said after his dogs have a fox he just puts it on the road and drives over it so it looks like its been hit by a passing car! what a pratt!!
  18. get countrymans weekly mate, most are listed in the back of that.
  19. how tall is the white one mate? they're lovely looking "staffs"
  20. I think the best thing to happen to apbt's in recent years is that bloke who does "the dog whisperer" on t.v, ceaser millan. He has shown the true nature of the breed, which is a loving and loyal dog.
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