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Everything posted by taffyboi

  1. Has any 1 got a copy of the 1st one made and the last one think its called sporting dogs or sumthing? Alb taffyboi
  2. Has any 1 got a copy of the 1st one made and the last one think its called sporting dogs or sumthing? Alb taffyboi
  3. I go bushing in the day qwite often and we get good results 3 or 4 of us go with a mixture of jr's and a beddy lackland and 3 lurches a beardi collie/greyhound and a 3/4 greyhound 1/4greyhound and a collie/greyhound x bull/greyhound Will get a pic or 2 up next week. You neva know wats going to break the cover. Alb taffyboi
  4. Well it works for me mate its just a guid line I got drummed in to me. If my dog puts up with the work they get in my eyes its garenteed!
  5. Two years to make them two years to break them if there still doing the buisiness afta that then there a good un alb taffyboi
  6. Fair play mate. You giving some one a good honest chance of having the whole kit wish I had it that eaisy [bANNED TEXT] I started off alb mate taffyboi
  7. Yes daffyd it is hard but a day in work nakerd is worth it to be honest. Pm me a number if you could mate. Bird that dog pup looks a real nice pup all the bes with him
  8. Had a better night than me then went out at 10 got back at 4.30 the smorning dog managed to retrive 2 shot hares.. Dog looks a cracker hows he bred?
  9. No tip's mate. But good luck out of evry 15 or so farms I try I manage 1 or 2 and thats a good day that dont come often. Atb taffyboi
  10. Ive heard that it beats any thing for trout not that id try it :-P
  11. Good bag ther lucky to bag 10 around hear. Good goin
  12. after a good day out with tha terriers and a coupel of rats in the bag.....now its time to have a shine

  13. noisy feckers aint they, and taste wounderfull nice nights sport alb taffyboi
  14. had a good day out with the terriers,

  15. had a good day out with the terriers,

  16. could do with a liltel bit of help please, im looking for a new bitch/or pup to come in to the pack, i was thinking of a bedlington but i want some thing for all round a fair bit of bushing plus the odd dig, but im fairly stuck as were to beging and what breed been having a good look around nuthing catching my eye yet thou, so any help would be much appriated or even a pic or to, and if any 1 has a litter or a litter due i may well be intreasted! thanks alb taffyboi
  17. nice dog's mate, good to if you find the right stuff plenty of drive and most the 1ns i seen are fast as fook! atb taffyboi
  18. for what?? hare, deer, fox???? for fox and deer i can always remeber big dog's 26tts plus
  19. i knew some 1 who used to own this x and it was a machine on foxe's and a realy good dog on rabbits, better feet than a greyhound turn better than a greyhound, faster than a whippet and more speed than a whippet, qwick off the mark and good pace when in full flight i carnt see the problem with the x the 1 i seen was a very fast and could turn on a penny
  20. ive been wanting to try gold fish for a while now same round year the corse fish dnt wana play may haft to resort in buying a cast net like the yanks do n make a pound to keep them in
  21. thanks for the replys evry 1 still no sighn but just a lil info its a dog not a bitch thanks agen
  22. mate hes grown loads now big strong looking fella in he
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