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Everything posted by taffyboi

  1. They carnt rum properly in the snow if you was doing it for the pot you could realy get sum big bags in the snow. But id persnaly leave them till snow thaws out. Alb taffyboi
  2. Some cracking pic's mate must be 1 hell of a camra your using. Taffyboi
  3. Yes mate the black dogs mine the brother's my buddy's il get a better pic up later on this evning for you.. He's in the making 2 being a game dog and 1 of the best guard dogs ive ever owned all the best with the litter mate. Taffyboi
  4. Ive always had big heavy bulls in the past but wanted sumert with bit more speed and agilty and fair play he got it, just hope he keeps up the way hes going.
  5. Mate that exsat x is on a post I put up 2 days ago both 17 months old topic description is half hour out result alb taffyboi
  6. There dam is a 1/4 bull 3/4 ghound and the sires 3/8 bull 5/8 ghound the black dogs 27 and half tts and the cream dogs 27. Thanks replys alb taffyboi
  7. thanks for the replys lads n lasses, hope its first of many taffyboi
  8. ahh i get it now, well if they want to download my pic's they can carry on i got plenty more for the future too i abide by the law so nothing can be said, may there be many more atb taffyboi
  9. shreded paper i always use about 8=9 inches deep alb taffboi
  10. what's that supposed to mean weasel? bit confused
  11. yes mate the grounds abit tuff down hear really but sun's been out all day and has tharwed a lilttel, made the last of the snow soft so thourt id give it a bash when i could because the weather forcast aint looking good may be a while till im next out, always the terriers to look forward to thu alb taffyboi
  12. after finishing work sorting the dogs etc, it was about 5:30 we decided to have a qwick look for a fox drove to a lilttel farm we have permision on got there about 5:40 steped out off the car got the dogs out jumped ova the gate, flicked the lamp on on the other side of the field those eyes lit up lamp off coupel of sqweaks and i could see him taring in about 60 yards away, the buisness done both dog's are litter brothers 17months old, had there first shot and retrived fox well chuffed good things to come hopfully....
  13. Actomol the yogert drink thing give him 2ml twice a day worked with a pup I had that eat rotton meat alb taffyboi
  14. Down round me mate just out side newport I think theres 2 blue dogs left and a pure choclate dog but think he keeping that 1 for him self fair play ther stunners.. For any info if you pm me il speak to the man his self later on the evning and see if I can pass his numba on. Alb taffyboi
  15. I know pepoel that do but I dont persnaly owne 1 ther handy lil dog's from what ive seen game lil f*cker's any way me persnaly like the 3qwater bred 1ns fast off the mark and plenty of guts about them. Atb taffyboi
  16. I could do somthing for you mate pm me your numba and il get back to you thru the week if he don't mind me giving you his numba. He's the 1 who breeds them I know a litter now 3/4 whippet 1/4 bull 3 pups left I think alb taffyboi
  17. Thanks for the reply's plenty of ideas to try think il try and keep to what he's on at the mo don't think he's going to starv his self thanks agen taffyboi
  18. Thanks for the reply's plenty of ideas to try think il try and keep to what he's on at the mo don't think he's going to starv his self thanks agen taffyboi
  19. Il give that a go to night thanks for tha replys, if he does eat the chicken and past what shal I do stick with that? Thanks agen atb taffyboi
  20. Cheers mate thats wha I have been doing aint working thu at the moment I think I need to try a few diffrent foods thanks alb taffyboi
  21. I have a 17month old dog been eating same food since bout 7months old and clear's his dish evry feed but the last 2 weeks hes gone off his food and picks at it tried adding gravy he cleared the bowl first 3 times now back to picking at it. Any help or ideas be very helpfull thanks alb taffyboi
  22. I like the deerhound x greyhound / whippet x greyhound just my oppinon never owned one seen a few go and the ones ive seen got good speed and a good turn aswell best of luck to youmate
  23. Atb to you mate and good luck with the pup Taffyboi
  24. Bulldog2 you sed you had a golly bred dog and couldt catch foxes I had the pleasure in running golly he might be big but nailed me plenty of red coats. And I know of a bitch direct out of golly that don't miss much, so its obvious you'l miss a few with a big heavy bull x but they still catch there fair few. Alb taffyboi
  25. Cracking deer dogs pre ban good strong feet and a high prey drive.. Looks like you had a good night out alb taffyboi
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