he might of but your proven and other peoples proven is far apart your proven is 1 season my proven is aleast 3
I go buy a rule might be just me but it takes 2 years to make a dog and 2 years to break them if there still doing tha job after that then you have your self a proven dog.
Yes mate, all over the shop. And they have crossed the river.
Very true that seen them a few places the other side of the river, and it would be nice to keep them about but as sed the foresty commisioners are slaughtering them! As with all the deer
There looking good mine's turnning into a right looker just hope she works as good as she look's ill try and put a picture up if she stays still for two seconds
I had a dog few years back the dog was fine, bout the same age too, i got calcium powder for hourses and put a tea spoon full in his grub evry meal once the pins was taken out he was fine, but only time will tell best of luck mate
Any one who breeds these? Half x or 3qwater ghound bred, pm if you do please very intreasted in this breed and would like a bitch they look fair bit stronger than ur norm thanks taffyboi
My mates dog did a simmler thing [bANNED TEXT] we were out but never came round died took him to the vets to find the cause and it turned out to be a massive hart attack
I just found a new supply for raw meat for the dogs, i have a 78lb bull x and a 46lb saluki x i buy mince chicken and mince beef comes in pound bags im slowly changing ther diet how many pounds of meat will the big dog need roughly a day? As i want to give them bare minamill dry biscuits...
Thanks for the reply but dont think ill be giving tha a go he's a big strong dog and wouldt realy wana run tha chance of my pinkys being in the way [bANNED TEXT] he trys gerring a better grip because of me trying to separate his jaws with my hands thanks any way taffyboi
Seems were all ready on tha subject ill pick ur brains i have a 19month old bull x retrives live to hand just one slight problem.... trying to get him to loose go of it he wont give it up for no love or money any suggestions greatly welcome thanks taffyboi
Don't start him off in the rut mate he won't take much of 1 of those big boys with big head gear, roe are an easy target fallow take sum stopping. Espeashaly be for the rut when they are in prime after wards the stags are intrested in nuthing more than fighting and sex and dont realy eat much. What I seen be for the ban best of luck to you taffyboi
Mate 1nce you resized it like in the last pic click the white screen around the picture go right down to the bottom right hand corner and in between the 2 corner arows there will be a blue dot click and hold and keep dragging it tawards the top left hand side and line it up to the corner of your pic. Best I could exsplain it hope it helps atb taffyboi