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Everything posted by twoface14

  1. well thats the best bit of advice you've had so far a 3/4 greyhound 1/4 collie would be just right for what you want,marking when ferreting and with the speed to catch any that slip the nets, take most things in the day or on the lamp.
  2. used mine on the sand-dunes, it had a bit bigger spot than the ones now and in the blue light you could see the rabbits better than with a white light.
  3. good lamps but they do use a lot of power
  4. what is it their planing to do ? add rabbits of what dogs cant hunt.
  5. As their writing in french and calling the hounds sloughis it must be north Africa ,morocco maybe. The person who put the clip up has clips going up all the time looks more like ones he did him self. What documentary do you think its off?
  6. Don't look like a fox to me to big chasse au reynard don't mean its a fox its more likely its the closet name. A lot of the youtube videos say rabbit hunt when their running hares.
  7. Don't think their running a fox mate more like a jackal
  8. Don't agree with you Welshman jabs will make a dog try harder and pick up better as I've seen it and I'm sure a lot of the great coursing dogs were on something. But a jab is not going to make a dog work a hare like lucky did and I'm surprised he lasted so long if he was on gear all his life like you say.
  9. http://www.northerntooluk.com/products.asp...ood+Preparation gut the rabbits and smash the head up with a hammer and a good mincer will grind the lot up fur and all.
  10. don't get twisted up max no ones knocking LDR was just MO about a post talking about if the bye needed changing if the rules are set in stone then theres no need to put any posts about the rules on here besides saying anyone entering these are the rules like it or lump it.
  11. you wouldn't think so from all the stuff thats been on here about , the bit off fun as I'm not in it i don't care if some have an advantage over others
  12. don't agree, every time a dog runs it has the risk of getting injured more so if its not up to scratch fitness wise, if you get a bye and don't have to run your getting an advantage over the others who have to compete and push their dogs.
  13. A bye in a coursing comp don't mean you don't have to run. you still have to run your just guaranteed to get in the next round. if there are two bye dogs they run each other or if only one it runs on its own or a stand in and all get in the next round excepted the stand in.
  14. you wouldnt know a good dog if it pissed on you Are baghdad salukis good coursing dogs then? Suicidel mate. ?
  15. you wouldnt know a good dog if it pissed on you Are baghdad salukis good coursing dogs then?
  16. like i said i never got rid of parvo till i moved, about half the pups that got it would die . when the new vaccination came out that you could give at 6-7 weeks old it stopped it for a bit but then it was like the disease adaped and they started going down with it again before 6-7 weeks old. Had to give the pups electrolytes every half hour or so and when they picked up a bit white meat,fish.And only feed small bits at a time as people have said.
  17. after i had one with it i never got rid of it till i moved house, most of the time if a pup was going to get it it would be after they got their first jab. if you do as fireman says you will not go far wrong also fish and plenty of electrolytes if it comes of the drip it will most likely live. What some are saying about them never living after having it is shit.
  18. line or inbreeding doesn't mean bad faults will show up, they will only show if they are there, this is where knowing a line comes in handy you will know the good points and bad in the line, most of the top lines are line-bred or inbred.
  19. There's no guarantees in life but breeding off top blood lines will give you a better chance of getting a top worker than breeding off any old dog.
  20. your never to old to learn?thats wat i have been told but i aint saying yor rong pal. but every time i use pure saluk bitch to greahound dog.i get feverd Never seen a first cross that wasn't smooth,
  21. who told you that? Had a look at her web sit a year or so ago and she had a litter Sired by a dog that was just over a year old , would be lucky if its ever seen any work besides running round a show ring.
  22. And i know who you are Taffybull
  23. now as mark has two lurchers as that he always takes out. Like i said before thats only four hares each over the two nights lets say 12 o clock to 12 o clock 24 hours four hares on the lamp is good but nothing to shout about.
  24. You must be using the wrong name and getting mixed up as i was replying to the user name smartdog
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