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Everything posted by markmccann

  1. fine pups mate well done pity your not in ireland id take one its the exact breedim wanting in a lurcher,good luck with them
  2. im getting more ferrets and im gonna make some new hutches for them,if anyone has some cool designs please show me some pictures of yours also im thinking of building a court for them any designs would be appreicated cheers i just want to get an idea on what to make
  3. welcome to the site nice to see more girls taking interest in hunting
  4. cheers for getting back to me i'll put extra down tomorrow when i clean out his cage
  5. thanks for the reply im gonna use shavings instead of sawdust but i'll still put a piece of timber across it cheers
  6. i dont put sawdust on the top floor only the bottom where he cleans himself,i'll stop using it if its gonna harm him and use shavings instead cheers
  7. i know mate,sorry the pictures are too big to be uploaded im trying to sort it out now :search:
  8. just wondering what you lot think of his new home
  9. have they got the connection for the lightforce lamps with them
  10. i have a lightforce lance i think that they are a brill lamp a lot smaller than the blitz but not the same power
  11. nice looking kids,nice to see theyre not afraid of dead game,thats a fine dog you have-happy hunting
  12. pretty and likes hunting what more could you ask for in a lady

  13. is it a 15ft or 8ft mark1 and do you post to ireland
  14. they do ex ist what a beautiful dog good luck with him happy hunting
  15. put your thumb at one side of his neck and your index finger at the other get a good grip hold his back legs with your other hand and stretch the rabbit until dead hope that helps a bit
  16. If it were a 15ft it would need 2 bats.Make sure the cap is on tight.But you have been done as it is not as described. cheers for the replies happy hunting :realmad:
  17. got a collar off ebay,he said it was a 15ft terrier collar-that means it should use 2 393s but it doesnt it uses 1 357 lr44 so was he shitting me. and the 357 doesnt seem to work properly in it, some times it picks up the frequency and other times it doesnt-any ideas
  18. If it is a 15 ft ferret collar then the 393 (AG5) battery should have fitted, as it doesn't then I suspect you have a terrier collar which will require a 357 (AG13, LR44) battery. As a quick guide 8ft collars take one battery and 15ft collars two batteries. All mk1 collars require either 393 or 357 batteries. tried the 393s they were way too small for it.im gonna try the other ones you said cheers for all your help good luck
  19. does anybody know what type battery goes into a mk1 collar its a 15 ft collar i tried the 393 but they are too small the ones i need seem to be bigger and thicker
  20. does it come with the connections for the lamp with it and do you post to ireland
  21. will you post to ireland if so how much and do you have any of the batteries with shoulder straps left
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