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Everything posted by markmccann

  1. where would you go about buying the snaring dvd by woodga
  2. PM woodga off this site great chap great snares cheers for the info lads
  3. what is the best made rabbit snare around at the moment and where could you buy them the ones i seen on ebay aint brillantly made by the looks of it ,some of the snares ive seen on topics on the hunting life look a lot better made:hunter:
  4. markmccann


    order off ebay theyre fairly cheap and it wont cost much for postage
  5. what range is on the locator,will you post to ireland and what way will you recieve payment pm me if you like cheers
  6. allright billy theres a few down at the old bridge and i got a couple on one of the back rivers last week theres f...all in the boro yet
  7. i just got a new lurcher dog last nite hes a 7 month old stag wheaton\whippet cross hes about 26 tts im just wondering if any of you have the same breed and what they are like to work
  8. cheers for all the replies lads i think i/ll go for edrd happy hunting
  9. cheers i;ll try to find out about ordering it
  10. im wanting to know which is the best hunting magazine im looking for one that has a bit about ferrets and hunting with terriers and lurchers
  11. best of luck getting your shop up and going make sure you let us know when its opening
  12. cheers pa,im after having him out a few times with the other dogs and they dont seem to be a problem but one things for sure god help my ferrets if he ever gets near them
  13. thanks asbo i'll keep him on the lead for a while to see how he gets on with my other dogs while hes out
  14. if you get a well bred, working stock patt. but most importantly, make sure it's kept busy working, you should have no problems, a good, working terrier usually won't fight with other dogs, terriers that want to fight other dogs, especially when on a lead are usually cowards, just my oppinion no offence meant. no offence taken ,he will be well worked,cheers for getting back to me
  15. im just after getting a 13 month old patterdale my first of that breed,im wanting to know what they are like around other dogs.ive heard that they like to box and if thats the case i wont be able to hunt him with my other terrier any information would be welcome
  16. cheers for all your replys,its after helping a lot happy hunting
  17. cheers joe,do they only come into season once a year
  18. welcome to the site,it takes a while to get used to everything but its worth it,its a brillant site with sound people giving advise on everything you need to know about hunting
  19. im getting another hob and was wondering how long do they stay in season for so i can put them in the same cage without them fighting and do they come into season once or twice a year
  20. cheers ace for the photos looks really well made fair play to you
  21. cheers stubby never thought of using the search button,i feel a right nob for not thinking of that
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