mick mansbridge,simon whitehead are just a couple who have some dvds using nets and james douglas and steve henderson have shooting rabbits dvds all are a good watch,there is plenty more dvds about that would be worth watching
wats the best way to cook it mate
cook it in a slow cooker...throw in some veg.some olive oil and a few herbs and a stock cube to go with the natural stock from the hare and let it cook for a few hours then de~bone the hare then thicken the stock a bit throw the meat back in for a bit and enjoy
veedublee is a really sound man others that helped me out were rapete,iskoner,skycat,wexford pa,bleachtastenice,mrpit and a lot of other souind people giving advice...best of luck to you all in the new year :thumbs:
it could be a broken blood vessel in his anus as far as i know its ok as long as it doesn't happen for a period of time...if it does you'll probably have to take him to the vet
according to the countrymans weekly October 5th you shouldnt feed dogs raw eggs because of its reaction with vitamins..it doesnt really go into it that much,so make up your own mind about it
up to yourself really,you might have to give her the jab twice a year so the cost will add up a bit...if you dont want to breed her get her spayed..if not you could breed her with a hob that has a vacetomey done so he can take her out of season and not get her pregnant