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Everything posted by dso88

  1. dso88


    brilliant cant stop laughing
  2. when i put my foot down on the clutch pedal its staying down what could it be its nissan primera estate thanks
  3. that looks like my 5 month jack russell hanging off my boxer lol
  4. if you leave food down all the time they will become fussy i feed mine twice a day
  5. i love river cottage missed this episode id love to live like that hugh is a legend
  6. i got pulled saturday night just asked to look in the boot and let me on my way people are saying stash ur rabbits and go back the next day i aint gonna leave rabbits there when i am doin nothing wrong and my permission over an hour away im not going to back to get them
  7. fancy coming out digging or coursing john drop me a pm
  8. a vitara is going to cost you a bomb on insurance ur better off getting suziki jimny youll be talking around £2000 mark for insurance on vitara at your age and they are gutsy on fuel
  9. how do you know that it says he dont like the way you use it
  10. so if the car they pulled over on there stop and search was a burglar that had screwed your house while you were lamping, would you still be saying , what the f##ks all that about havent they got nothing better to do?????? i doubt it!!! there a big difference mate it was only 12.30 at night there was only me in my car with a dog that they could see and i can garuantee that a burglar would not use a car like mine they are just a bunch of wankers that got nothing better to do houses get burgaled poeple get beat up and they go round pulling people when they should be doing some real crim
  11. i came back last night from lamping i dropped my friend off goes about a mile down the road coppers pulled and wanted a look in the boot showed them 2 rabbits and they ok thanks for your time what the f##ks all that about havent they got nothing better to do
  12. how much would you sell the mk3 for
  13. i agree with everyone he didnt derserve a title shot untill he got in the ring with prescott everyone wants to see khan vs hatton hatton is past it now but he would still knock khan out after this fight if he wins put in with paquio just to see him get destoyed in 30 seconds salita is ubeaten but he aint really fought any good fighters but he got heavy hands my moneys salita knock out because khan got a chin like a toddler
  14. xbox 360 always like the playstations untill they brought the ps3 i really dont like it love my xbox 360
  15. melbourne books it is gutting
  16. anyone got the website for the company on the back of countrymans weekly let me know asap
  17. get him a kong you can also put yoghurt in it and freeze it
  18. read some books mate or find somone local that been doing it for years and learn off them
  19. massive intrest lads will sort somthing out for all of us to go out
  20. welshhound its coming up cant recieve messages
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