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Everything posted by dso88

  1. walking down the street when i seen a paki shaking a carpet off the balcony so i shouted whats the matter abdul the f****r wont start will it
  2. buy a shed and build a run off cheapest option really
  3. last time i went lamping we were walking down the road and a lad walked straight in to a lamp post head first funny as
  4. like a traditional style maybe a bit fancy design i dont the strong stuff collars in general
  5. does he do leather ones
  6. i want to get a nice collar for my lurcher he is only 11 weeks now but i want it for when hes older anybody know any good websites ?
  7. when has this show been advertised as BIG
  8. there was talk of it bieng a good show last year and it was everywhere it was advertised it DID NOT say there was going to be thousasnds of stalls this show is very well organised and im sure it will grow over the next few years ill be there again this year
  9. ive got one of those roughneck micro shovels ideal for ferreting and i only paid 9 quid in b&q for it
  10. will ther be lurcher pup shows on sunday
  11. id want him to do all the house work and cook and go out to work for that money
  12. what a wanker find him and give him a tuning nothing but scum
  13. germany might of lost but you had the easiest group in the whole tournament and scraped one win 2-0 germany im saying
  14. just called my pup reggie
  15. im having trouble sexing my kits they are 4 weeks old anyone got anyt pointers
  16. its on a 53 plate mate
  17. i got a 1.9d berlingo it does about 45 to the gallon
  18. i think the only difference is the terrier and lurcher show is on sunday
  19. dso88

    robert green

    i hope they play green so he fucks up again
  20. same for me doing my head in
  21. im at the same point how long before theyre eyes open ?
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