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Everything posted by tomandroz

  1. Hi, And :welcomeani: ATB Tom
  2. Hi, Here is a picture of one of my dogs, the smallest of my three - Tilly BeddlingtonXWhippit just 12 months old and just 17". Cheers, Tom
  3. Hi, 1) Braveheart 2) The Wind that shakes the Barley 3) Walk the line Random I know ! Regards, Tom
  4. Hi Carrie, And :welcomeani: ATB Tom
  5. Hi, A nice chunk of creamy semi-hard Cahill’s Irish cheddar cheese lined with Guinness, hits the spot for me every time ! Cheers, Tom
  6. tomandroz

    Radio 2

    Hi, I heard part of it, I could not listen to any more to be honest - I really wouldnt read too much into it, the topic started off about the rise in urban fox numbers, and in typical Vine/BBC/Radio 2 fashion it soon turned into a one sided, biased discussion. There was not a guest that was trying to be objective, just a couple of opinionated idiots, with a pre-conception of hunting with dogs, full stop regardless of the concept or individuals concerned. As far as I am concerned it was a typical one sided piece of journalism by the BBC. Cheers, Tom
  7. Hi And :welcomeani: ATVB Tom
  8. Hi, Well done to both of you! REgards, Tom
  9. i feed my youngsters twice a day till they finish growing then down to once a day after that. your pup still a bit of growing to do so id keep it on twice until you think it at its full size. Hi, Same as here, youngsters get fed twice a day (3-4 times a day up too 12 weeks) and when they have finsihed growing, one feed a day, and my three lokk well, and fit enough. Regards, Tom
  10. Hi, Give: www.wisebuyers.co.uk/ a whirl for a valuation. Regards, Tom
  11. Hi, I use a tool called a 'furminator' on my beddyxwhippit, and it works a treat on her. ATB Tom
  12. Hi Chris, And :welcomeani: ATB Tom
  13. The Monkey, :welcomeani: ATB Tom
  14. Hi Griff, And :welcomeani: ATB Tom
  15. Hi, Have to agree with the above post almost all large layers will trash your lawn in no time at all. With regards to which breed? depends on what you want really, if you want lots of eggs, go for one of the hybrids 'black rock' are great layers, or maybe 'light sussex' or a 'ranger' if you want less eggs, and a more person friendly breed try one of the more traditional breeds, or maybe some bantams? Best of luck, Tom
  16. Hi, When my hens went on a dry spell, I changed them over to 'Layer's Mash' and it did the trick for us! Best of luck, Tom
  17. Hi And :welcomeani: Cheers, Tom
  18. Pellpax have been in the Firearms business a number of years & have found them very realiable, as with Daystate you have a strong after sales service from their inhouse service & repair team, I had worked for Daystates as a Gunsmith many years ago on sub contract, I found a lot of repairs were never charged to the Customer as Daystate took great pride in Customer care. Atb, foxon. Hi, Thanks, thats really helpful, we have been a bit pre-occupied with the new baby, but now having heard what you have to say, gives me enough confidence to place an order, will keep you poste
  19. Hi Tim :welcomeani: Cheers, Tom
  20. Hi :welcomeani: Cheers, Tom
  21. Hi, :welcomeani: Cheers, Tom
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