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Everything posted by tomandroz

  1. Hi, I can not believe that statement! What about the real priorities of goverment....... economy, civil protection, education, healthcare etc, etc havent these labour t#ssers already distroyed enough of our beautiful countryside, and countryside pursuits? Heaven help us all, if this is what we have to look forward to ATB Tom
  2. Hi, the above is good advice, keep the obedience training up, and increase the excercise. I personaly crate all my three dogs, as we also have a young baby, keep on keeping on, and you should get there. Best of Luck, Tom
  3. Hi Connor, :welcomeani: ATB Tom
  4. Hi Stuart, :welcomeani: ATB Tom
  5. I second the above! Pink Floyd Regards, Tom
  6. Hi, I'd be delighted to take it off your hands for £18.00 posted please. Regards, Tom
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