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Everything posted by tomandroz

  1. Hi And :welcomeani: ATB Tom
  2. Hi Luke, :welcomeani: ATB Tom
  3. Hi He would get my vote !! ATB Tom
  4. Hi, I am not that interested in the whole Wales v England row here, I have the upmost respect for patterdale trying to be supportive to a young lad from his village, but I have to say, young Lloyd will not be getting my vote I am sure he is a nice lad, but there is no getting away from the fact he can't hold a tune..... I wish him the very best of luck with the contest, but I would think he would be doing very well to last another week, two at most. My vote goes to 'Dagenham Stace' AKA Stacey Solomon ATB Tom
  5. Hi, The starling picture is a masterpiece! and I have to say, that's one brave cat too! ATB Tom
  6. Hi Fletch! :welcomeani: ATB Tom
  7. tomandroz

    Our Nick

    Hi, I have resisted the urge to join this topic thus far..... but Jasper's comments above are worthy of joining in, I could not agree more with the above comments. I would never claim to be racist, but I would like to consider myself to be a patriotic human being, and after all is said and done, Great Britain is a largely christian country and the Islamic/Muslim faith, and the way in which it has developed, and gained momentum over the past 40+ years, really does worry me. And if Nick Griffin achieves nothing more than to alert people about the scale of immigration, and the 'dubious'
  8. Hi, My three have all been known to munch away on the odd piece of apple, or hedgerow fruit. And it doesent appear to have donr any of them any harm, like everything else I would imagine that so long as they dont have too much, they should be grand!?! ATB Tom
  9. hi Phil :welcomeani: ATB Tom
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