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Everything posted by tomandroz

  1. Hi, Some great looking dog's posted on this thread! Cheers, Tom
  2. Hi, Yes very much so! delighted with the wonder about with her ! Cheers, Tom
  3. Hi, The truck is now sold! for nearly double the estimate above!!! thanks for all the interest Cheers, Tom
  4. Hi, We are in the same position, we have a baby due in June, and we had two boy's names sorted right from the start! then found out at 20 weeks, that it was a girl, and we are still trying to pick a name it's not easy! The boy's names we had chosen were: WILLIAM and OLIVER both strong boy's names, but sadly still no further forward with the girls names! ATB Tom
  5. Hi, Took the new puppy (tilly) out for a wonder around last night with a friends dog, and the new puppy surprised me! as you will see from the pics below, I am delighted with her first attempt! Cheers, Tom
  6. Hi, Not in the least bit offended! as the post say's - open to offers, and anything is only worth as much as someone wants to pay you for it. Cheers, Tom
  7. Hi, I have not been a member of this site very long at all, and I can see both sides of the story being argued here, I personaly have found the site on the whole, friendly, informative and interesting. There have been a few posts that I have read, that people have been...... erm, well shall we say harsh in there comments, but that, as far as I can see, is the way it has always been on any internet forum, hunting or otherwise. You will always get your 'keyboard bullies' and the smart ones out there, should be able to spot them a mile off, and stay clear, well as much as possible any way
  8. HI, Nice one! you must be delighted Tom
  9. Hi, My post has taken an unusual twist ! ! to follow on from a couple of comments, the price is of course, open to sensible offers, however I can make no guarentees about the troopers suitability as a 'dogging vehicle' at weekends, or that the trooper will assist in any attempts to satisfy random women etc, etc etc.............. However, if this means it will sell quicker, I may well be willing to re-word the above !?! Tom
  10. Hi, This trooper is no longer required, and i thought I would offer via THL before listing it on eBay. It's a 1993 model (L Reg) covered 142k miles, tax till May 09 and Mot'd til Oct 09. Its the commercial version, and it has been ply lined in the rear and has a dog guard fitted., Its got a rear spot, and running rails. It good order, and should prove a reliable motor for someone. Car Located in West Berkshire, and asking £1200.00 Cheers, Tom Here are some pics:
  11. Hi, Just a quicky ! does anybody know of anything on this weekend, in and around the berkshire area? or at the very least within a reasonable distance !?! Thanks in advance, Tom
  12. HI, Smart new addition, happy hunting Tom
  13. Very smart, and practical. Cheers, Tom
  14. Hi Clipper, I have a 57 plate Land Rover Freelander 2 TD4 GS. I have had it from new, and have covered over 33K since then. I would struggle to find a bad word to say about the car or engine, it's fast smooth, responsive, ultra reliable (So far any-way) returns on average 34 mpg. I very nearly bought a new discovery TD5, and I am so very glad I didnt, the Freelander 2 and the TD4 engine are perfect for my needs. I hope this helps !?! Cheers, Tom
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