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Everything posted by dj.chapman

  1. i will have a polecat jill if there is 1 mate. could swap for 1 of mine so you get a new blood line or will buy. mine where born 3 days ago so will be ready at the same time. they are albino.
  2. my jill had her young yesterday and i couldnt feel the young till about 5 days before she dropped. she was very large by 1 week before she dropped and i could feel a few lumps. hope that helps a little
  3. i have a airarms s410 carbine with hawke 4-12*50 scopes, 1 mag, a nightsearcher light, light mains charger and battery. fleece lined gunbag and a 12l diving bottle with regulator(saftey tested late last year and full of air) and hose for re filling. quick sale needed and collection and cash only. gun is 14 months old but has a few scratches in the stock. well worth its weight in gold. read review in the air rifle section for more details about how good they are. this gun has a walnut stock! will split except for gun and scope. price for the job lot is £300. photos will be sent to those that p
  4. just been to check her and the kits again and i can count 12 poss 13. will put pics up when i can.
  5. she is albino. she just had a handful of minced beef
  6. kit cost £20 and has enough of everything fo 20 nets apart from rings and there is only enough for 15 nets worth. second one now done 2 hours after starting. clears the mind though.
  7. hey all just a quick post to let you know my jill(mider) is now giving birth saw 5 when i checked her just now but didnt want to disturbe her
  8. hi all. at the ea game fair sunday i brought a net making kit with a dvd to show you how its done. after 4 or 5 attempts and making a mess of it i was about to give up. i tried once more and all went real well. i now have my very first hand made hemp purse net. am now thinking of selling all the ones i brought with my mk3 and making all my own. also gonna make a 100yd long net when the funds are there. photos will follow!
  9. where bouts in the world are you? could poss sort you out with a lend of my hobb with balls
  10. http://www.ferretsforum.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?tid=9817 have fun reading people
  11. hi there all. i have just visited a ferret forum that i some times use. everyone on there is having a mass debate about breeding and slagging off everyone that breeds there ferrets saying they dont know what they are doing and that you should never breed. there was a mention of this site (not the full name of sit given). the way i see it is if you can home them and they are good working stock then why not breed! they said that they are the people that end up with all the ferret born. this year i have bred my jill but that is because i want to keep 2 or 3 jills for myself and 3 more have gone.
  12. hi. i have about 20 or 30 sheets of greenhouse glass. need cleaning but other than that ok. £15 or swap for double ferret carry box.
  13. i would say at the very least you need to be at 10ft/lb. also depends on pellet too. i have aa s410 k and with aa diablo i can kill at 40-45yards with no trouble at 11.5ft/lb but with bisley pest controll its more like 30-35 yards
  14. how weird s that was about to start a link on here to ask the same queston but for a mk3 wth the magnetic collar. any ideas people
  15. i only pay £6-£7 for 120l and i think they are the same size. get them off the pig farm i work on
  16. its metal and nowhere to screw or clip on . think it will be a rubber body and just push on mate
  17. sweet. that would do me fine do you know if the filter pops out of the unit that fits it to the lamp
  18. hi there all. i have just brought a airarms s410k off a mate. with it i got a nice gunbag, a set of 4-12*50 scopes, a 12l diving bottle with hose for my gun, a j.marttiini hunting knife, a tin of airarms pellets, a pellet pouch(leather) and a night saercher gun lamp. the bloke was skint so i got the lot for £200 . i went on the night searcher web site and could not find my lamp on there let alone a few filters. does anyone on here make them or know where i can get some. the lamp is 3 inch across and is round. is there any other filters on the market that will fit? am looking for a red and blu
  19. i put my hobb in with my jill for 5 days and the swelling didn't go down so i covered her with my other hobb. took the swelling down within 3 days and now she looks like she is ready to pop. teats swelling up nicely and she has made her nest. should only be a few days now i hope before the kitts come. going out tonight to get some more rabbits for the freezer. is liver good for them at this stage?
  20. hi mate how much postage for the finder. will have it if only £10 or under. do you take pay pal?
  21. yeah i looked on ebay, everything on there is going for silly prices, thats why i have now gone with the option of a new mk3. got £100 saved in 2 weeks, everything i dont use is for sale and every penny goes in the pot. will soon have it and then can play with it for a few months and get use to how it all works. i'll get the girlfriend to hide it in the garden somewhere and i'll find it. he he she will be useful for once.
  22. thats great help. thank you. a brand new mk3 it is then best i put a few more pennies an the pot
  23. Hi there all. i have just started up ferreting again and have not done it since i was a kid when i use to use a harness and a nylon cord. i am now saving up to buy a ferret finder as i refuse to use that method ever again. my question is................. do i buy a brand new mk3 or a second hand mk1. i have a good few months to save but i am one of those people that want everything right now. can anyone that has had both please tell me the pro's and con's of both please so i can make an informed decision. thank you for your time
  24. will buy that 1 for 40 and pay postage
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