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Everything posted by dj.chapman

  1. well my better half paid for my shotgun certificate, paid half for my gun cabinet , got me a shotgun certificate wallet and £150 towards my firt gun. Well happy with that
  2. call of duty 4 (xbox 360) £15 posted tiger woods pga tour 04 & 05 for old xbox £12 for both posted tiger woods pga tour 08 (xbox 360) £15 posted guitar hero 3 (xbox 360) £12 posted paypal accepted
  3. oh i was not ferreting when i found the 300 buck. was only 10 and was riding a moped down a track, thought it was a porn mag, had to stop for that, it was all still in the paper wraps. never found anything whilst ferreting not even a rabbit lol.
  4. A quarter of bush, packet of Rizla's, and twenty fags. what a find, when i was younger i found £300 down a rabbit hole, brother made me hand it into the police. 3 months later no one had claimed it so we got it back. parents made me spilt it 4 ways and they brought me my school uniform with my share
  5. try molecatcher on here got a cracking longnet off him. also look on fleabay and on adtrader.co.uk there is someone on there selling them.
  6. i am about to apply for mine. i live in norfolk. whats the feo like here and how quick are they coming through. need mine for cock shoot at end of jan.
  7. i have a landmaster 100 rotavator, was running in december last year but not running now. it will try to start but the petrol is not getting to the carb. been told it is a simple job but it is not worth it for my small veg plot. am looking for £60 for it but would swap it for a small shotgun cabinet. buyer collects. photos can be sent to you if you pm me your email address. based a few miles from swaffham in norfolk
  8. i got a small ploey jill, she is half the size of her sister. she is that small i dont dare use her yet as she may get a beating off the rabbits, she is also the most friendly ferret i have got. always wants to be on my shoulder of in the hood of my jacket.
  9. skin on mate helps clean the digestive track. i just gut them (some people don't) and that helps them get at the meat. within 12 hours i take just the jaw bone and the ends of the feet out of the hutch. they will eat most of it.
  10. i had the same problem with my dog last year, small scratch to its eye. put the same green stuff in and gave us 2 tablets to give to him and that was £120. that was 20 for the green stuff 40 conlsultation 30 for puttin the drops in and 30 for 2 tablets. they are robbing bast*%$s but know people care for animals and will pay it.
  11. here is my list of what i take 3 ferrets 50 hand made hemp purse nets 25 yd long net (quick set) 2 knives (1 for using and 1 just to look good on my belt) a fold up hand saw fold up spade hand trowl 2 pairs of pruning secutares 2 pairs of gloves (to deal with brambles) finder and collar spare batterys a heavy duty spade hip flask full of jd a small first aid kit for me savlon spray for ferrets and last but not least water for ferrets and flask of coffee for me
  12. make sure you put the collar on tight enough. that could be the most important thing to do mate also try putting it on your ferret every now and then cause they cant half wiggle about the first few times it goes on. also im sure you would have done this the first day your finder arrived but get someone to hide the collar and try to find it just so you can get use to it. best of luck to ya mate
  13. went out and moved a few pig huts the other day. there is 1 there that is not used and always has a few rats run out of it. i was ready with the spade and this is what i got in about 2 mins . .
  14. this is my group of critters, got 6 in total. mider my 2yr old jills thor my 2yr old hob scratch & sniff are my 2 jills i bred myself this year wotsit & biggles are 2 jills i got from kits this year (polecats) and last but not least me and my brother after an hour out a month or so ago
  15. had mixy in norfolk for ages. its hit us real bad on the farm i shoot and ferret on. out of 50 we shot the other night between 2 of us 18 had it
  16. i was always told that silver oxide wher the best batterys to use and are £10 for 10 off ebay. i throw them away after using them for a days ferreting just in case. better to be safe than sorry.
  17. i am looking at clearing some of my chickens, i have. 1 pair rhode island reds @ 20 months old 1 pair rhode island reds @ 5 months old 4 rhode island red chicks @ 9 weeks old ( i think there is 3 hens and 1 cock but cant be sure yet) i am looking for 1 mk3 or mk3m collar for these these are pure bred birds, the 4 chicks are from the 2 oldest birds but the pair of 5 month olds are a new blood line. photo's available if asked for. based near swaffham norfolk
  18. my cousin had this with one of his pet jills cause it was kept in season too long, was close to loosing it, he got it spayed by the vet and then they gave it a jill jab, in the end i leant him my hob and within a month all its fur was back. poor thing looked well funny with no hair at all. lol
  19. decided yesterday to go for a few hours fishing off the beach. for those of you who live in norfolk and know salthouse i fished about 150yds to the right of the carpark. i was too late to get any worm so i opted for squid as bait. got there just on high tide and decided to fish 1 rod at about 50yds out and 1 a bit further. both rods had 3 hook flapper rigs with a lead lift and a 6oz leads. i baited up and cast out. not a nibble for about an hour so re baited and cast out. had a small flounder that i put back then the line went loose so reeled in and had a 4lb 6oz bass. well chuffed. fish supp
  20. going sunday, cant wait. gotta make a ferret box today though
  21. i dont think i would give them to them as i would not want to eat them but on another web site i went on they said yes as long as you cut the head and privates off
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