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Everything posted by dj.chapman

  1. i have a 4z 25 yd longnet for sale or swap it comes with seasoned hazel poles and a game bag converted into a quickset basket. the net has 100% bagging and has only been used a hamdful of times. am looking for £25 collected from necton norfolk or swap for decoying stuff photos via email if requested.for an extra £20 you can also have a signed copy of long netting from peg to peg
  2. i fancie takin the gun out and killing something

  3. thanks for the heads up on that one mate will keep my eyes open
  4. the albinos will be ready 11th june and the poleys will be ready on the 18th mate
  5. well i have plenty of feed in the freezer for them as i picked up a road kill roe the other day and my dad works on a poultry farm. i also have a chest freezer full of woodies and rabbits. t5avs1 i will hold 2 jills back for you, do you have a prefrence on colour? i know there will be a mix of poleys and albinos.
  6. no sorry will not be selling any. they will be free to good homes. my other poley jill had her kits yesterday morning. 15 of them. has anyone had a litter of this size?
  7. no just the first litter this year. my mate took 4 of them to put on his jill as all apart from 3 of hers died. that takes a bit of the pressure off i guess. my jill is ever so friendly. i had a look to see if they where all ok and she took them back out of my hand 1 by 1 and put them back in the nest. its all good.will send those feathers begining of next week stubby
  8. just had my first litter of kits born today. 8 healthy wotsit's. joy
  9. what feathers are you after mate? picked up a road kill hen bird yeaterday, its only gonna go in with the ferrets anyway and im sure they would not mind it oven ready.
  10. as everyone says get a locator and get to know your ferrets until the baby rabbits have grown or u will always b digging itwill b late septo early oct before i start again. next give the ferret time to find the rabbits and enter it into every hole you can find , feed them 3 hours before you go so they are fed and had a sleep. they should work great then. its also a good idea to take some day old chicks (dead) when you go to lure them out of the hole and as a treat when you finish. last but not least read as much as you can about ferreting wether it be books or on forums like this one and you w
  11. on the mk3 you have to take the batts out to turn it off but on the mk3m you can leave the batts in and turn it on and off by putting the collar close to the magnetic point in the reciver. i got a mk3m reciver and a mk3 collar and that way works fine i am not sure about the other way round though mate. hope this helps
  12. shame ya so far away. i have some welded mesh here that will never rot or get bitten through. its 20 years old already and no signs of wear. its only 1.5 foot tall but it is the muts nuts
  13. nice work mate i did the same thing and sold a couple to mates to make my money back. that made my box a freebee
  14. i have a 25yd longnet and use a gamebag with the mesh cut off the front so that the net does not catch, to keep the shape of the game bag i put a bucket in the bag. this works well for me and is very quick to set up, all i can say is give it a try
  15. i have 3 trio's of goldies in a large run at the back of my house. if you want to wait till they start laying i could sell you some eggs to hatch if not i will have a word with my boss cause he has loads of extra male birds. just drop me a pm to let me know
  16. dj.chapman

    hemp nets

    i'll give ya £10 + p&pn
  17. brand new, says one size fits all but i guess i am too fat to be in that bracket...... ......... still got tags in. £20 + £2.50 p&p photos sent via email if needed so pm me your email address if you would like one
  18. my girlfriend bless her has been trying for a while to find me some true hemp to make some more purse nets but to no joy, everywhere has told her that jute is the new hemp and is nearly as good. i went out sunday and found a spool of this jute in 3ply and was thinking of trying it, what i want to know is has anyone else tried it and if so how good is it and how long do the nets last. if they dont last very long or the quality of the nets is poor i wont bother. cheers
  19. hi all. i am selling on behalf of a friend a Frank Spittle 4 gun cabinet measures 13" by 9.5" by just over 50" tall and will take a scoped rifle he has lost the keys but it is open and easy to change the lock needs collecting from swaffham norfolk he is asking £100 for it but may drop to £90 for a quick sale cabinet has a few scuffs but nothing major and overall in good nick photos will be added later or sent via pm or email
  20. the bloke you dealt with lives a few doors down from a bloke i work with. his name is danny but his son was on this site as jackfrost. i know he was on www.rabbiters.co.uk with a name of danny on there. i dealt with him too, i ordered 2 polecat jills off him that where meant to have been born 2 days after my kitts, 4 weeks after mine where ready he told me his where ready to go, when i got them they where about 5 weeks old. i'll have a look and see if i have still got his phone number for you
  21. would love these as i only have 30 hemp nets that i made myself. ya just too far away. would he post if it was paid for?
  22. as above. 3 weeks old but like new. Comes with over 300 song on it. £225 and £5 p&p. Paypal only or cash on collection. In norfolk. now on ebay
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