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Irish Setter

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Everything posted by Irish Setter

  1. Cool, very exotic looking beastie Setter
  2. Looks a bit like a weevil, where did you find it? Setter
  3. I have shown a few nervous dogs, not saying it's the right way or the only way or anything but this works for me. Lots of general socialisation, always have a pocketful of treats and anyone who wants to say hello to the dog comes armed with a treat, I always encourage people to come straight in and not hesitate. Any backing off by the dog gets a light check with the lead, standing still gets no praise just be calm. Once the person has finished fussing then just a quiet praise word and move on. Get some friends the dog does not really know to practice approaching and touching the dog like a jud
  4. Yes they can be a tad "protective" The only time I have heard of problems is when people feed too many bones with not enough meat on them causing impaction of the intestines, if you get powdery poo :sick: then more meat is needed. Good luck with your pup Setter
  5. The nutritional training vets receive in college is based on complete kibble, the young uns don't have a clue about feeding dogs anything other than processed food. I have changed vets umpteen times because of arguments about raw feeding I was advised to have my 18 month old Akita down because he had awful food allergies, his kidneys and liver were showing signs of failing, open sores, weeping ears and eyes etc. There was not a single food on the market that did not bring him out in a reaction he was constantly on steroids. I changed him to raw back then and now at 13 years old he is still a
  6. Thanks to everyone for all the nice welcomes Setter
  7. I know I did'nt even know it had fired because it was still so bright outside, it had popped up earlier when I was in the chicken shed so I didnt realise it was still up when I was sneaking up on the bunnies. Next time Setter
  8. Did'nt realise I had caught this one mid wee till I got the pics on the computer
  9. My lot are kept behind building site panels reinforced with finer weldmesh. There used to be a vixen round here who would pick off stragglers who wandered too far down the garden when they were out and about during the day but she never in 8 years here broke into the run or shed. No sign of her recently and since she vanished the bunnies are multiplying like mad, got to be at least 20 in my garden every morning These two babies were on the drive only feet from the dog run. Some of my girls and the duck Setter
  10. Shame on you marie!!! Never catch me getting flutered Apparently you should drink as much water as you can before you go to sleep, most of the crap feeling when you wake up is dehydration. Then a big fryup Setter x
  11. Hi all. Just joined today My main interests are in photography, mainly wildlife. I have 11 dogs but not a hunting one among them Oh and I am Sounders sister Setter x
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