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Irish Setter

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Everything posted by Irish Setter

  1. Wolves have been doing ok on this diet for a little while now Although there are several physical changes to the anatomy between dogs and wolves the digestive system is the same. As long as there is variety in the diet and not too much of one type of food is fed then it is a balanced diet. It is said that you should try to put a meal together that would represent a prey animal, some muscle, a little less bone, organ meats and a small amount of vegetable matter. Vets are given no training in raw feeding, the lectures that they receive come from dog food manufacturers, vets see problems wit
  2. Sorry to hear about your dog Sounds a little bit like bloat which can take old deep chested breeds, the stomach twists inside the abdomen and can just happen for no apparent reason in older dogs, in younger dogs it can be caused by feeding a dog a big meal just before or just after strenous exercise. This normally shows as extreme pain and cramping with a very tender swollen abdomen. Setter
  3. You can't see them they have been deleted. Setter
  4. I knew some of the common ones like the coot and heron, but had to look the rest up when i got home as I either wasnt very sure (in the case of the geese) or didnt have a clue (the godwit, redshank) Setter
  5. WOW OTC Twitcher extrodinaire The godwit was a nice spot especially as the real twitchers were on about having spotted one but im not sure it is ........................... A BAR TAILLED GODWIT OR A BLACK TAILLED GODWIT My money is on the black tailled with the shorter neck plus one had been spotted that day Setter
  6. Took these today at a local wetlands....so come on all you twitchers.....name the birdies Setter
  7. does the bitch have to be total clear of blood before she will allow a dog to line her? In my experience no, I have a bitch who will stand on day 24-26 still showing some colour till day 30 or so. Setter
  8. Thats what we used to call them too Setter
  9. The red bug is a ...wait for it......Trombidium holosericeum.....I think Setter
  10. GOOD ON YA GIRL!!!! Some fab shots there really clear and focussed The kids must have thought you had gone crackers rummaging around looking for creepy crawlies Setter xx
  11. During the winter I saw one just about every morning hunting the verge on the same stretch of road. They are simply beautiful Setter
  12. Cracking shots again Kay the Ladybug is fab Setter
  13. I have several shots of just water where he dived, had to follow the bubble trail till he popped up again. The photo isnt the best, he was on the far side of the wide drain in the bottom photo so I was zoomed to the max Setter
  14. Thanks Al Yea I guess you take stuff like that for granted when you live in the middle of it. Setter
  15. Went for a stroll today and took these just 5 minutes from my house. Setter
  16. I am over-run with rabbits in my garden, there are at least three seperate lots of youngsters running about as well as a large number of adults They dont bother me but my neighbours are trying to grow veg and failing miserably Setter
  17. Great photos Lassie!! Keep them coming Setter
  18. Additionally if they have an area that they use as a dust bath sprinkle the area well with the powder and mix it into the dust a bit, they will then make sure that the powder gets right into the feathers themselves Setter
  19. Most of my dogs were done as puppies, very quick and easy. Setter
  20. This is a guess but..........East of England Afghan Club
  21. ..........................Justice for bin bag Afghans, please THE GRUESOME discovery of three Afghan Hounds found dead in bin bags in a Lincolnshire field together with a number of horses in an emaciated state has rocked the Afghan fraternity. The animals were found by EEAC Rescue Officer Debbie Newson on 16th February of this year after she took in an emaciated and matted solid black bitch who, Debbie later found out, was not a stray but in fact belonged to the person who had handed her in. Upon discovering this Debbie made some enquiries and learned that this particular owner had
  22. I can vouch for this story having hit the headlines in the dog press (if thats worth anything ) If you give me a few minutes to get firefox going I will copy the text of the atricle and post it here. Setter
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