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About sprocket2

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 28/05/1978

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  1. sprocket2

    Our Nick

    BBC have made one mighty mistake, thinking they could con the British public into thinking that everyone is against controlled immigration. My mind was made up a while ago that the BBC is just a propaganda machine for the left and last night proved that. BBC picked a jewish communist that sent thousands of muslims to death in recent wars, an asian woman who has not even been elected to the lords, a liberal with agenda only to discredit/not listen,and the queen of africa (without any manners) who played to the scripted cast of a lefty planned audience.
  2. sprocket2

    Our Nick

    Instead of bringing immigrants in to do jobs, get the long term doleys employed (if there are any jobs left!)Remember the Brittish have paid taxes for good things like NHS and state pensions for many years, and for a foreigner to come here and get exactly the same benefits and not paid in, is totally wrong. I wonder how illegal immigrants would come if they stopped this?
  3. sprocket2

    Our Nick

    Jack Straw is a fooking joke. Labour has turned into a modern day facist organisation in the left. Winston Churchill said 'one day the anti-facist will become the real facist' that was apparrent on tv last night. As for ww2, the Brittish fought to stop their Isles being invaded and stop the nazis created a european state. Looks like Blairs on the way to becoming the real supreme leader of europe, what happens when you shove different peoples together ie Russia, yugoslavia, war. Griffin is right in many ways, it's just unfortunate that his past will hold him back
  4. sprocket2

    Our Nick

    The BBC (The Proproganda Channel) have score a massive own goal on question time, thinking that the British public would fall for that rigged audience all probably paid by labour and conservative. I'm not racist, only seeing these lands being dissolved.
  5. sprocket2

    Our Nick

    Jack Straw is the real facist in sending thousands of muslims to their deaths in recent wars at the Brittish publics expense. It was a total disgrace last is night on question time watching somebody with different views being shouted down and interuptted constantly. This is not the Brittish way. BNP uprising has begun.
  6. Hi all, Took the lurcher lamping the other week on my permission. Within a flash I spotted a rabbit waiting for me round the edge of a tree line. I slipped the dog and being still young ran around the back and not down the beam. The fooking rabbit ran straight up the beam towards me!! I just froze and bang! It was my dog's best attempt at a dirty siding tackle, that sent me twistin in the air that any russian gymnast would be proud of. My head cushioned my fall back to land fortunately Found the dog with a bust nose and me only just walking, I ended the session there and then. Nowt for th
  7. Hi. I think the ponte club is somewhere near Brotherton/Fairburn.
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