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Everything posted by longdog8818

  1. wish i was closer i would of had 1 straight away
  2. their my uncle dogs he went to get him. he was on a p***y site near maidstone the fellow bought him off a fellow from dartford but would not give any names but said he will get bitch back if he can.
  3. dog was stolen 4 weeks ago along with a saluki/bull/greyhound bitch still missing. had to pay 400 to get him back their not my dogs their my uncles missing bitch who did you pay 400 to get him back off did thay av sumthing to do with him going missing in first place and how long av thay had him it dont look like thay was feeding him id like to no if you can tell us all mate i am glad you got dog back just in time by the look of it mate got him from a fellow who had only had him for a week. the 400 was a reward for information if you know what i mean
  4. fuk me sum one sold you the dog back like that for 400 you will pay any thing to get your dogs back if your a real dog man
  5. he can just about walk. his pads are so sore . just hope bitch is still alive.
  6. dog was stolen 4 weeks ago along with a saluki/bull/greyhound bitch still missing. had to pay 400 to get him back their not my dogs their my uncles missing bitch
  7. whippet dog back home pic 1 before pic 2 after
  8. hw97k 22. 18 mths old. has a few marks comes with 3-9x42 nikko sterling gold crown ao scopes open to sensible offers
  9. there not my dogs there my uncles. hes well upset never seen him like it. yer pikeys. council gave them a site 2 mins from his house. theyve only been there for a month and loads of dogs have been goin missin.
  10. stolen on firday nite from gravesend kent. 23inch dog whippet light brindle and a saluki bull greyhound bitch pup 23inch £400 reward for safe return no questions asked phone number 07940937444 tom
  11. wish i could get to you i would of had him straight away
  12. we get a fair amount of game.but most of the land out longfield is rent by shooters and wont let any one with dogs on there.
  13. she is over active she never stopped when she was out. i put 100% in to that dog. i didnt want to get rid of her. but i just couldnt break her to feather. he was told that.
  14. dont start slagging me off. that pup was fed on best food money could buy. she was allowed to eat as much as she wanted. if you want to be funny you told me the lurcher you swaped me was jumping shes not. you told me she good with other dogs and guess what she went for my mates whippet. every thing i told to my nowledge is true. your the one that seems to be lieing.
  15. some one must want an unspoilt terrier. mother and father 100% i promiss the only reason she in forsale is she went for my hawk. my hawk was here first so she has to go. working home only pm me for more details
  16. wish you was closer i would of had the older 1 straight away
  17. bitch forsale, has only been bushing and threw some emptys earths. broke to ferrets and livestock. except birds that is the only reason she has to go. im lookin for £200 for got to say lives outside and may consider a swap for a lurcher pup upto 12mth but must be broken to feather the pic was when she was 4mth will try get an upto date one
  18. have u still got the trio and if i brought them would u be able to meet me at tilbury ferry
  19. it must be as it is as u discribe. No idea if one of the parents has to be a mit to produce a mit, the ruby colouration isnt always ovious but look at the parents eyes , my guess is its the mom who has the ruby eyes as well . these '' marbled'' ferrets will also have this ruby colouration to the eyes , usually on the belly of the animal theres splodges of lighter fur, creamy colour to almost white it seems to vary , but you see the ruby colouration in certain lights , yes mum is a mit. i think there is a couple of marbled kits as well. im lookin for a small silver or bew
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