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About Rabby

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. Mate ive had this problem with dogs between 9 and 12/13 months. Think they can get stubborn at that age. when u call him back off the lead dont put him back on lead, just give treat or whatever and let him go back. Sometimes id put them on lead for a bit and let them off again. They always come now. Hope this helps
  2. all the conservatives will look after is their own. Dont care about the working man. What happens to tax credits if the government arent getting as much from inheritance tax. Just to go in some lucky b*****ds pocket that has done nothing to deserve it. Theyll need the votes of us normal people to win the election and i cant believe theres so many giving it to them. Well still do whatever we do no matter what the law says ffs.
  3. Have to say mate, Im very fond of my whippet, theyre great family dogs and if youre just lookin a bit of rabbiting theyre great, but if youre planning on running the one dog for long hard winter nights youre best lookin at a lurcher. Better coats, tougher skin, more stamina, more brains. If you do decide to get a whippet make sure its from working lines though cos they can make up for their shortcomings with a big set of balls. hope this helps.
  4. Some nice shots there. Why does everyone apart from me take good photos? Is there some sort of camera secret or something? Id be lucky to get a dog in the frame at all!
  5. Anyway.... See yas. Im away to lamp hares, foxes, badgers, kittens and lambs.... :oops: said too much
  6. Ha! My bitch is the same, no butterfly is safe!
  7. Was just wondering your opinions. would you rather a half bred dog, 3/4 bred, 5/8, allsorts, full or what?
  8. The ear thing is probably down to teething mate. My whippets ears were all sorts of shapes when she was teething. Went back to normal after tho
  9. Those Whippets are beauties. Looks like yer having fun
  10. I bribed my bitch forward at first with treats. Didnt take her long to get the idea. Hardly pulled at all then too. Spose they all react differently tho.
  11. Why do you want to branch into lurchers? You see, this I believe is the problem these days... Young folk take up lurchers on a whim. Unless its in your blood your gonna get fed up with them pretty quick. You wont put the time in to train a pup and if it doesn't come up to scratch, you'll get shot asap. My advice to you is to seriously think about using an animal to hunt with. It's ok having a fishing rod and a gun, both can be put away when bored with. I know you have a dog but that ain't nothing like owning a working dog for the sole purpose of hunting. Most lurcher work is done in foul weath
  12. Have seen a covered hot water bottle work
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