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The Seeker

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Everything posted by The Seeker

  1. Advancements in education, science and technology? Only advance Islam makes to a country is to send it backwards 500 years.
  2. Get yourself watching Peaky Blinders, it's a great series.
  3. Now why does that sentence not surprise me
  4. Keep them in check and u should be ok. Stay dominate and keep them no more then 5 percent of population. Far right wing group are vital for your survival as they expose it naked and empower the silent majority to speak. If they over populate u then ur f****d. AXUM i have read your points on this thread and it seems to me, you yourself a Muslim understand the reasons for the lack of integration,in relation to the West, Islam does not integrate it only wishes to dominate, it will initially integrate just like a parasite but only as a means to dominate. The West equally should have kept i
  5. Enjoyed that thanks, well made video
  6. It does look like it, but knowing how long it takes to set something like that up, isn't it likely someone would have seen a load of blokes walking around with explosives in the weeks/months beforehand? Or have they been "dealt with?" I offer no explanations, that's how you get labelled a conspiracy nut All I'm saying is I cannot believe that a little fire or debris caused WTC7 to collapse perfectly like that. The DOD, Secret Services and the CIA used that building, crazy to imagine they would occupy a building that could be knocked down by a mouse's fart lol They did a prog
  7. It does look like it, but knowing how long it takes to set something like that up, isn't it likely someone would have seen a load of blokes walking around with explosives in the weeks/months beforehand? Or have they been "dealt with?" I offer no explanations, that's how you get labelled a conspiracy nut All I'm saying is I cannot believe that a little fire or debris caused WTC7 to collapse perfectly like that. The DOD, Secret Services and the CIA used that building, crazy to imagine they would occupy a building that could be knocked down by a mouse's fart lol They did a prog
  8. It does look like it, but knowing how long it takes to set something like that up, isn't it likely someone would have seen a load of blokes walking around with explosives in the weeks/months beforehand? Or have they been "dealt with?" I offer no explanations, that's how you get labelled a conspiracy nut All I'm saying is I cannot believe that a little fire or debris caused WTC7 to collapse perfectly like that. The DOD, Secret Services and the CIA used that building, crazy to imagine they would occupy a building that could be knocked down by a mouse's fart lol They did a p
  9. "So I went round to the birds house, all fine and dandy like, and were in the conservatory having a quick game of monopoly and all of a suddden her grumpy old man stands up farts scratches his are and says he's off to watch TV, anyway I thought I'd better follow him and do a bit of male bonding, so I'm just about to open the door and join him, with my hand on the door handle when all I can hear coming from the room is the sound of a load of l blokes grunting and screaming, I mean I'm pretty open these days and if her dads into male porn that's all well and good but there's a time and place for
  10. Ain't that the truth. I swear I can be in the room watching TV and she will come in pick up a book on the side and move it to the other end of the cupboard and walk out. WTF is that about?
  11. The Seeker


    Proper mugged off Obama
  12. The poppies was my example mate, this bloke who died got 12 months for tying some bacon to the door handle of a mosque. A few years ago two Muslims (one I think was Choudry) set fire to a wreath of poppies at a remembrance parade with troops marching past. Arrested cautioned, No jail for them. Why is the law enforced in one example and not the other? And they wonder why people are sick of it.
  13. Ah that clears that up then
  14. Bit like yerself mateAye sure pal and I won't be expecting any sympathy if I end up dead in jail after committing a pathetically juvenile hate crime So ignoring the fact that this bloke may have been murdered dont you think 12 months is a bit much for as you say a pathetically juvenile hate crime?
  15. How long did those Muslims get who set fire to a poppy wreath during a remembrance parade, err f**k all that's how long and this geezer gets 12 months for tying some bacon in a mosque handle? Glad to see both hate crimes getting the same type of punishment W*****rs
  16. This type of thing really does my head in, transgender, cross dressing, LGBT, liberalism positive discrimination blah blah. Its certainly not viewed as a mental health issue anything but In past years ago queers were treated as abnormal and disliked by society, now it's legal they have rights and are even promoted in society as being normal. Let's face it you can't turn TV on without some camp show host making double entendres every second. These changes were mainly brought about by the liberalist left wing as being gay is not a choice or an illness it's how thy are born. That's all fine but
  17. It's a nightmare pal but worth it in the end. Like you I tried everything but it was always the same, just one with a pint won't hurt, or I've definitely cracked it now I will just have one to be sociable, then bang straight back on them again. Patches were my way, I've tried them before but like above stopped because I thought I'd cracked it. I finally did the full course from start to finish and even when I thought I'd beaten it I carried on. After that I never wanted to undo all the good work so that was it , 6 years later never touched another. Those electric things that are the si
  18. Elton John, Brian May, Nicola Sturgeon ....for a Dead Pool that trio would make a fair end to the year.
  19. The old lady who played Nan-nan on The Royal Family died yesterday. Good innings though she was 95 RIP
  20. in what way, or are you just unhappy that its ended up as a yank bashing session, if that's all then its time you understood that the twats deserve it, they have funded terrorism in many guises for years, we ended up on the receiving end in the `70`s through the amount of cash and weapons they provided to the IRA and other irish groups, I for one am happy enough that they are now having some direct payback for their interference in other countries affairs Err in what way let me think..... that the US Goverment knowingly allowed 9/11 to happen, absurd, quick grab the tin foil hat Whilst I
  21. This got very silly very quickly.
  22. Same here bloody chest infection on anti biotics, I haven't even seen the doctor for over two years but soon as Christmas holidays come WHAM here have a does of that. Coughing and spluttering through the night, I must say though the antibiotics kicked in really quick so feeling much better. Hope you recover soon Jig Seeker
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