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The Seeker

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Everything posted by The Seeker

  1. Not LOL Liam Stacey, 21, received a 56-day jail term after tweeting "LOL" ["laugh out loud"] in response to the on-pitch collapse of the footballer Fabrice Muamba and subsequently posting racist and offensive comments when other users criticised him. Matthew Woods, 19, from Chorley, Lancashire, made comments about April and Madeleine McCann, the three-year-old who went missing during a family holiday in Portugal in 2007. Jailed for 12 weeks Bacon man....jailed for 1 year killed (probably in prison) Yep....we should totally trust the state, they have our best interests at heart.
  2. What are you going to do about it then? Raise awareness about what's happening, campaign against the current surveillance laws and lobby MPs to vote against bills that strip away our right to privacy, the same things we should all do when the Government is doing things we don't agree with. I certainly won't be just throwing up my hands and saying there's nothing we can do so might as well roll over and let them f**k us. Sounds pretty cowardly to me. Let me know how you get on with that pal, I'll be right behind you
  3. And do you trust the people that decide what is "anything wrong"? I don't. The less power they have the better. So you think this is all new, CCTV, Facebook, twitter and a 100 things you register with to "pay on line" have been storing information about you for the last decade. Look I get it none wants big brother but Its amusing that people think things like this are a huge revelation. like it or not if you don't want to be tracked traced or whatever then you need to live totally off line and even then its too late. One thing I do know is if there is some MI6 or CIA wants to
  4. Like all these things if your not doing anything wrong you've nothing to worry about However if your sat planning a terrorist attack then I'm all for the person getting a knock at the door.
  5. The Seeker


    It is illegal to use them on all wild birds It is legal to use them to shoot mammals in the UK except NI where it is illegal.
  6. Leeds wont go up it will be Brighton, Newcastle and Wednesday. Brighton deserve to go up, the best team to come to Hilsborough this season.
  7. think left hand is Battle of Britain star The one on the far right is the 39-45 war medal
  8. Ive heard its cheaper to get to Spa than to buy tickets for Silverstone does anyone know if thats true? If so any example
  9. , some folk believe any old shit , all a bit of fun while i was rained off lol Yes of course it was.. sort of fkd up the ending for ya while you were pulling yourself to pieces Hmmm pulling myself to pieces about a story of two young men wanting to repay the boss who gives them a job by fantasising over shagging his wife and coming on a hunting forum to ask advice because they don't know what to do..... Yes mate it was sensational.
  10. , some folk believe any old shit , all a bit of fun while i was rained off lol Yes of course it was..
  11. On the contrary he's probably the least likely president to go to war. He's already questioning NATO and why the USA puts more in than any other nation, he's said why are the USA seen as the police of the world it's time for them to step back and let other countries do more. This could be a problem for us as we don't have the clout we once did militarily and the rest of Europe have relied heavily on the USA in recent conflicts.
  12. The Sun and the Turnip photo completely demolished what was a very good compitenent manager, just a real shame he couldn't transfer his success to the England squad. RIP Graham.
  13. Different world really. Many of the stabilizing factors of life back then survived, and carried on during the depression and prohibition (over here). When our guys came back the economy was picking up and everyone was hopeful. I know your situation was very different but they probably saw an opportunity to rebuild what was lost. I'm proud of my parents generation for many reasons. But those over on your side really pulled something incredible off. I also find the guys in war these days are doing it with a media microscope attached to them, they cant walk down a street without some camera
  14. I was out with some friends at the weekend, one of the women was married to a chap who was in the SAS (Hereford not TA) for several years, they divorced 8 years ago, she said she loved him and still does but it got to be living with him was unbareable he'd come home after being away for weeks not knowing if he was safe or not and she'd have to pick up the pieces when he came home. He'd only ever talk about what he'd been up to with his colleagues never with her just 1000 yard stare all the time and mood swings. She said a few of his mates did away with themselves. I suppose unless you've walk
  15. After each flight the pilots are required to note anything that requires attention, these notes are give to the engineers on the ground who then complete the repairs an subsequently close out comments. Thought the would bring a smile or two
  16. He's working out the statistical probability of having an uneducated heathen savage and a 12 year old girl in the same house ending badly. Or searching the internet to find other similar cases where the rapist wasn't from an ethnic origin. Maybe hes on a protest march somewhere in Bradford "dealers lives matter" and not got back yet, still hes going to put you all on the naughty step when he gets on I'm telling you
  17. Surely you see a difference between lamping a few wild rabbits off a man's land without permission, to mopping up with catapults 100 roosting pheasants that a man has bought, fed & reared!yeah I see a difference but I don't think you should go to jail for any type of poaching whether it be pheasant rabbit hare or deer or salmon So you dont see this as theft? Just curious what constitutes theft to you?
  18. You're all going to be in trouble when BGD comes on.....
  19. Perhaps they turn a blind eye to the ammunition thing seeing as the law is due to change and let's face it it is THIER problem that has put you in this mess. I'm quite sure any prosecution would be difficult given the amount of attention you have given to this in terms of contacting the FEO etc and the promptness of your renewal. I must say credit where credit is sure South Yorkshire Police were very quick in renewing my certificate/s
  20. Agree with Charlie Caller, for the money you can't beat Nikon I have a .223 and use a Nikon monarch and it's incredibly clear. Unless your prepared to spend Swarovski, S&B, Leica money in my opinion Nikon is the next best. I've even compared with Leuopold when I was in the states and I think the Nikon is much brighter This is of course only my opinion, I've not had much to do with Hawke as I've never considered these as a centre fire rifle scope
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