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The Seeker

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Everything posted by The Seeker

  1. And why is it old people cant wait to tell you their age. You hold the door open for an old lady and she says "thanks love I'm 86 you know"
  2. When you look a a really fit bird in a short skirt and think to yourself "I bet she's going to be a bit cold in that she should have put a pair of jeans on"
  3. to be fair there head hooligan did say the british didn't lack heart just skill. He also said our values and pride in our country since WW2 had gone the way of the rest of the western world, in the garbage bin.
  4. On Gerry Adams.. "They claimed I was turned by special branch during interrogation in Belfast’s Palace Barracks in 1972 and that I became an MI5 agent." Rumours that Mr Adams was recruited by the British intelligence services have been around in militant republican circles for decades and certainly strengthened after the 1994 ceasefire. Some unionists have also long suspected that he was a protected species during the conflict. There was a planned attack by the UDA in 1988 in which they were going to attach a limpet mine with a magnetic clamp to a car in which he was traveling, that was a
  5. For the money you wont beat a Lanber, I also would reccomend Larouna
  6. I went to the last one in Leeds, loads of intersting stuff and several times I was tempted to buy BUT like others have said I'm not experienced enough to know the real thing from fake. I suppose the guys who are selling the items do have the experience and it's a trust thing,
  7. Bad luck Wales, tremendous performance England
  8. Shit that's no age, she was an "it" girl not a mass murderer FFS RIP lass
  9. he was parked outside the lovre in paris this morning he was stood there with his kebab knife shouting alis snack bar trying to drum up a bit of trade and some f****r shot him
  10. Dirty rockers We are the mods we are the mods........ :laugh: Thing is later in life I got to really like Black Sabbath. My favourite is War Pigs
  11. Damn terrorists are everywhere..
  12. its barbaric, the thing is they are 500 years behind Western society thats why they are still killing each other for having a different understanding of the same religion.
  13. Signed Lefty liberals poor losers always have been always will be.
  14. Curious.....how much livestock are you rearing? Sounds like you are living my dream Not much mate, I keep 10 ewes and a ram, a couple of young cattle, a couple of pigs all the time until I think they are fat enough to kill, chickens, ducks, geese......you know, normal things. But it's more than enough to feed the 6 of us over the year. I'm not very good round gardening but will be trying to get the growing things but right this year......or rather the wife will! My own personal obsession is the grass in my fields and how to always have it growing to its fullest potential.......after
  15. Somone should start a petition in favour of President trump comming to the UK and to stop scruffy work shy bean flickers from starting stupid protests.. I know which one will get my vote and several million othrs.
  16. He's a breath of fresh air, R.I.P Liberal political correctness.
  17. "Don't get uptight with me, man. Cos if you do, I'll have to give you a dose of medicine. And if I spike you, you'll know you've been spoken to." "You wouldn't spike me, you're too mean. Beside there's nothing invented I couldn't take." "If I medicined you, you'd think a brain tumour was a birthday present." "I could take double anything you could." "Very, very foolish words, man."
  18. Not surprised are you? Your in and out of religion like the hokey cokey If you're for real then your a very mixed up young man.
  19. We've gone on holiday by mistake. We're in this cottage here. Are you the farmer? I bet you're the kind of guy that would f**k a person in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach-around. I'll be watching you.
  20. I watched the first season and season 2 has just started. To me there is an awful lot of trying to get the facts to fit the story than actual evidence but there are some interesting theories. If your interested in this then watch a film called Grey Wolf its very thought provoking.
  21. Because he's after attention and a five pager....
  22. Well, that's convinced me because Muslims don't lie He fish food He's burning in hell with the rest of his cronies/followers
  23. Great speech and a good day for American people. Not that you'd realise it with the boycott of the so call Hollywood elite. Not one famous artist performed at his evening event. Can't wait to see these pretentious slime balls back peddle when the country starts to rid itself from unemployment, gangland crime, drug cartels illegal immigration. Look at Myrie Cirus "I will leave the USA if Trump becomes president" so what you gonna do now then Myrie "I've decided to stay and fight Trump" yes of course you have dear. Nice to see Nigel at the do as well I only hope he stands by his wor
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