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The Seeker

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Everything posted by The Seeker

  1. Joe your whole argument for Indepenance rests upon the notion Europe will welcome an independent Scotland with open arms. Question: would you till seek Indepenance if EU membership was off the table, yes or no?
  2. Couldn't have explained it better
  3. Lilly Allen the rich little girl pretending to be poor with her street accent
  4. we agree on many things my old mate but this one we definitely have a difference of opinions
  5. Chris Martin Bono ALL boy and girl bands, manufactured, shite Maria Carey Elton f**ckin John Boy George sorry Rake Morrisey Don't like Paul McCartney but The Beatles are clearly one if not the best bands ever to make a recording, even if your not a fan of their music, to call them shit is a bit strange
  6. Song about the falklands war, one of my all time favourite songs "People get filled in for saying people get killed in this shipbuilding" https://youtu.be/193R8zjWUb8
  7. Why trace it just answer the bloody thing.
  8. And smash the f**k out of them
  9. That c**t needs banning from driving could have killed those riders.
  10. When i asked him what he had done to his arm he said that he covered up old tattoos and was waiting to have some new work done with a blade that scars the black..Cant remember what he called it .... I think It's called "f**kin stupid"
  11. Did you not think the cameras were operational? Just curious why you got done on same stretch? As others have said max 9 points probably 6, you won't lose your licence until 12
  12. Bloke in the boozer near work had both sleeves done, big think black tribal tattoo's says he feels a right knob now and wished he'd never done it. Oh well...
  13. I work for a large European company whch may have consequenses for me in the UK, but yes OUT and NOW!
  14. To me theres nothing more unattractive than a woman covered in tattoos, its a real turn off. Often thought of having one but never found something I wanted painted on me for the rest of my life. When I was younger I was going to get The Who and The Beatles logos tattood on me but Im glad I didnt
  15. "Luxury!" When I was a lad we used to dream of eatin mud" "We used to gerrup half an hour before we wentto bed an lick road clean whit tung"
  16. What surprises me most is he fact they needed to prosecute the woman, why not just say look you found the £20 its not yours if you give it back the jobs sorted. But no lets drag it through court and make her pay £175 and give her a criminal record to boot. I have found the odd fiver or quid coin on the floor which was clear didn't belong to anybody in the vicinity so I have pocketed it I would never have thought this was theft FFS. If the person in front of me dropped it then I would gladly pick it up and hand it to them its the correct thing to do. Many years ago I remember my f
  17. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/02/28/no-thing-finders-keepers-police-warn-prosecute-shopper-pocketed/
  18. Sugar and vinegar That's the way!!
  19. The answer isn't to ignore them, the answer surely is to build more prisons and lock the f**kers up? I dont know about you lads but I'm sick to the back teeth of injustice being (not) served, we as a country need to re think what is and is not acceptable. What message does this send to these deviants, as long as you look and don't touch it's OK?Remember 1400 young under age lasses in Rotherham sexually abused and after nearly 2 years still only a handful prosecuted yet do 35mph in a 30 and the full weight of the law descends on you in weeks Absolute madness
  20. Daniel Craig then Sean Connery, Roger Moore was OK but too many cringe worthy one liners. Pierce Brosnan was OK too, Bird I think DC has already said he's finished with playing Bond, I wouldn't want a black James Bond though nothing to do with an actors ability or race, it wouldn't feel the same, just like if they had a black superman
  21. Ive got the Garett ACE 350 just started about 6 months ago, its VERY addicitve, only found a few buts and pieces nothing exciting yet but would it pay me to upgrade to a Deus? Are they really that good and can someone explain what the advantages would be? Thanks in advance
  22. Moxy is the one at the front with the hat on
  23. That's what happens when you get rich people owning football clubs like a pet project.
  24. Darwin awards (20 January 2004, Ventnor, New Jersey) A high school student accidentally dropped his cell phone from the Dorset Avenue Bridge. Fortunately the river had frozen over, so the phone landed on the ice, apparently intact. To a dedicated cell phone user, losing one's phone is like losing an appendage. And what loyal friend would not try to retrieve your arm or leg if it had somehow fallen off a bridge and landed on thin ice? The survival of our species depends on mutual support. Two days later, Bruce, 17, volunteered to fetch the phone. He figured the ice, which was only an in
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