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The Seeker

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Everything posted by The Seeker

  1. The dry snatched bitch won't stop until she's made famous for being the one who ed the departure from the UK nevermind te consequences for Scotland. She makes me sick each time I hear her whine, can you imagine being married to her, getting home from a hard days graft to listen to that thing?
  2. I subscribe to it, been trying to trace my family tree back for some time. It's very addictive
  3. Labour as so irellivant, opposition party? Laughing stock, the Labour party is so fractured I doubt it will be able to recover for at least a decade. Suits me just fine
  4. She looks distressed holding her head bout to cry and messaging her parents to reassure them shes ok, and coming home now. She probably already checked injured people and saw that they are all looked after by othrs so instead just standing there its better to go home incase second strike.You dont want everyone surrounding injured man, will block the air from him if hes already cant breath well. You really are a fool son aren't you.
  5. Just seen this one Yes I agree that's bad, wearing black shoes with a brown bag, unforgivable.
  6. Yes bought a few bits and pieces off there.
  7. To be honest and god rest all those dead and injured, when this kicked off I thought dozens would have been killed like the Paris attacks m let's hope the injured fully recover....
  8. May those innocents killed rest in peace May the terrorists rot and burn in hell.
  9. not forgetting old nosey,,,wellington,,,,all them battles in france spain and portugal,,during the Napolionic/peninsular wars,,,and eventualy waterloo ...and the 'cockleshell heroes' in Operation Frankton. The words of Lord Mountbatten, the commander of Combined Operations, are carved into a Purbeck stone at Royal Marines Poole (current headquarters of the SBS): "Of the many brave and dashing raids carried out by the men of Combined Operations Command none was more courageous or imaginative than Operation Frankton". Fuckloads of similar examples. Or what about John Frost
  10. To me it's the indomitable spirit in the face of adversity where we Brits historically come to our own. The Battle Of Britain fighter pilots outnumbered 4-1 but still went up every day and fought the Germans back Henry V at Aigincourt outnumbered 5-1 and beat the French Ranulph Fiennes and his incredible expeditions (sawing his frost damaged fingers off with a hacksaw) Nelson at The Nile and at Trafalgar Robert Falcon Scott knew he was done for but still showed immense courage Winston Churchill refused to accept defeat or surrender The determination of Donald Campbell to break speed
  11. Thanks I really enjoyed that video great filming work
  12. Come on own up which THL member is this
  13. Can you imagine ending up with this LOL
  14. Tattoo you or hold your knob? :laugh:
  15. Welsh Red That is very creapy, can you imagine paying money to have somone do that to you?
  16. A 2Pac/unicorn who dreams this shit up..
  17. The tattoo is brilliant the execution of identity is slightly in question
  18. There are some very strange people out there
  19. I came across some utter disasters which I needed to share
  20. Joe? Joe? I believe there are options to be in the single market and not part of the eu, EFTA/EEA??? Yes But that's not what your leader is saying she is wanting a referendum because Scotland does not want to leave the EU. The UK will be arguing for a substantial trading agreement with the EU so why not support this as a strong union rather than a broken one. I don't get where you or SNP is coming from
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