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Capt Boo

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Everything posted by Capt Boo

  1. Wow! Stunning little bird, that. Jealous, now.
  2. A dose of anti biotic from the vets should clear it up, but possibly a bit pricey. Keep the rooster safe, warm and well fed. A few treats, etc, and he'll probably fight the infection off himself. All the best.
  3. Good girl! If it don't make you swear, it ain't worth doin'.
  4. Sounds like a plan! Good luck. Will await photographic evidence of your undoubted success.!!
  5. Well, if you DO find the solution, please do let me know, won't you?
  6. Yep, definately Coal Tit...that white mohican is a tell tale. Never perch still long enough for me!! Very nice shots, Kay. Once again.
  7. Cracking pic, Tis TM. Lovely birds. Got a group of them that flit through the woods around me most days...never get much work done when they're about! Real acrobats!!
  8. Hi Stig, where abouts are you based? I've got some Golden Pheasants, plus some Lady Amhursts' (not pure, but pretty). A few other types.
  9. Hi dafydd. I have put a reply in 'Fowl & Feather Talk'. Hope it helps.
  10. Hello Dafydd, this is my first post, so please bear with me... If keeping Peafowl in an aviary, do take into account that they will need to have access to plenty of both sun and shade, but need to be sheltered from winds and draughts. Ideally, the ground should have good drainage, too.When it comes to size of aviary, the bigger the better... the minimum size for a pair can be 4 metres by 4 metres by 2 metres high. Thats for the 'usual' Indian Blue Peafowl. If you want a pair of Green Peafowl, or a trio of Indian Blue, then the aviary needs to be at least 8 metres by 5 metres by 2 metres high.
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