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Capt Boo

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Everything posted by Capt Boo

  1. Wind In The Willows for me and one about Dinosaurs!
  2. I use both... Part of the Estate is open to the public, and when I used springs, I saw Joe Public walk up to a feeder, say "How does this work?" and wrench the spring to the point that the barrel emptied! So for the 'Public' areas, I use pans now. (We have Peafowl & Guinea Fowl in the public areas). Those areas where the Fee-Paying-Public aren't allowed, where I rear pheasants,I use springs.
  3. Get them turning up now and then down here....I think a flock of 14 or so hung around for a month or two last year. Never got that close to them, though. Cracking image, Romany. All The Best.
  4. Sussex, Plymouth Rock or Buff Orpington are often considered as good dual purpose birds. Rhode Island Reds are supposed to be one of the better 'layers' of dual purpose, though my Great Aunt Mary (God rest her soul) always swore by Marans. I'm sure there are more informed people on here who can help you more, though ATB
  5. Will be watching, too.
  6. Been some showing on North Cornwall coast (shore marks) this Winter. Nothing big, just more numbers than usual.
  7. Wow, very nice, Kay Prefer the 2nd & 8th ones, myself.....don't know why, though. Really nice pictures, them. ATB
  8. Thank you, all..... that's exactly the kind of info/advice I was looking (hoping) for. Will keep you posted. Thanks again, one & all. J
  9. Hello all... I have been seriously considering getting a couple of ferrets (to work), and wondered BEFORE I get any which would be the best steps to take... i) trawl through as many posts on here as I can before my eyes fall out? ii) find someone locally who can show me the 'Whys & Wherefores', iii) read as many 'good books' as recommended by those in the know, or iv) All Of The Above? Really don't want to go into keeping/working ferrets 'blind' so to speak, so any/all advice given will be gratefully appreciated. Thanks in advance... J
  10. (Dasher having a post-breakfast snooze)
  11. Well....now you mention it....I have been feeling a little odd. And my ribs hurt!
  12. Thanks for the fungi ID. Much appreciated.

    All the best.

  13. You could try to get a copy of "Making Mobile Hen Houses" by Michael Roberts in the 'Gold Cockerel Series'. Might give you a few pointers. Try Ebay or I find Amazon cheaper more often than not. Hope that helps J
  14. Been seeing a few of these about..... anyone tell me what it is, please? (lent my fungi book out and ain't seen it since) Thanks all.
  15. Gave me some very good advice when I asked a question. Top man. Hope all is ok.
  16. Stick at it, Superf... Best thing you could do. ATB

  17. Could still be Buzzard......males and females differ in size, plus the colours are variable. From creamy/white to very dark brown. Juvenille Buzzard possibly?
  18. Sounds daft, but..... wash your feet in cold water, thoroughly dry them, then on with socks, etc.... hey presto....warm feet!
  19. Hello griff3, welcome to the site. Sure there's plenty on here who can help.
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