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Hunter Campbell

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About Hunter Campbell

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 15/10/1993

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    Wasson!! I enjoy beatin on a couple of small shoots around my area and i have a hatsan at-4410 which is my pride and joy. I also do a lot of lampin with a couple of my mates with thier lurchers and my airgun. I shoot shotguns when i have the chance and hope to get my liscence soon!!! When i leave school my ideal job would be working on a beef or arable farm with a pheasent shoot on it and keeper the shoot whislt helping on the farm! other than that HUNT ON!!!!!

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  1. or you could go door knocking like the rest of us? they can only say no! atb
  2. fair enough bud ye tell me how u get on atb sam
  3. hatsan is a good make of air rifle i got one of their pre charge ones and i cant fault it except that it is a tad heavy!
  4. sparsholt in september :)

  5. u wont get many jobs on here bud only keepers who have jobs. best way is to get an apprenticeship somewhere then might lead to a job there?? atb
  6. went lamping last night and saw one baby out of about 20 and went ferreting today and bolted one baby but no signs of any pregnant does!!! that was in devon!!!
  7. am off out in abit with my mates bull x and his whippet! be out about 9 atb
  8. well luky for some then but im looking at going to bicton college and there pretty good witht thier info?
  9. Im looking to do an apprenticiship this year and the minimum wage is £95 a week but the bloke i spoke to said as long as he gets a piece of paper sayin u got £95 it donnt matter what u get paid!
  10. I did some work experience not very long ago and the keeper there hand fed his drives the day before the shoot and it showed cus the birds were there. he also made sure the majority of the feed was where he wanted the birds to be i.e flushing points etc.
  11. Just wanted to know if anyone else has got a hatsan pre charged air gun as they are fairly new on the market, if u do what are you're views on the gun??
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